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  1. Hi, I have been applying for a 186 Visa through the Direct Entry Stream. I think my application went in in September and my nomination was approved a couple of weeks ago. My question is (assuming my visa is granted) how long of a window do I have to enter Australia after the visa has been granted before it is invalid? Thanks, Tom
  2. Thanks for your reply. Do you know if you need to do anything extra with the department of immigration regarding the second job, or can you just go and start working as if you were Australian?
  3. Hi I am looking to return to Australia on a 186 visa (or possibly a 457 if I am in a hurry). I have been offered Jobs and nominations, however my concern is that as I am a dentist (paid on commission - more like self employment), the job I have been offered may not be that busy and I may want to get a second job to make up for it. Is there any potential that you can work a second job whilst on one of these visas? Many Thanks, Tom
  4. Hi, could anyone recommend a helpful customs broker in Sydney? Just for a small parcel of upe. Thanks, Tom
  5. Has this happened to anyone else? Any help is appreciated thanks.
  6. Hi, I've been here 3months on a WHV and enjoying it! I shipped my windsurfing equipment over and it is due to arrive shortly. it cost me approximately 300GBP, however I received an import bill from a company called QUBE logistics last week with an import bill. (the shipping company did not advise me that the would be further costs) this is the bill for importing one package weighting 45kg and measuring 250x70x40cm AUSTRALIAN PORT CHARGES 115 TERMINAL HANDLING CHARGE 30 DELIVERY ORDER FEE 65 SEA CARGO REPORTING FEES 20 CMR COMPLIANCE FEE 20 HANDLING FEE 50 IMPORT PROCESSING FEE 25 LIFT ON /LIFT OFF 5 TERMINAL SECURITY FEE 20 FREIGHT (no GST) 53.67 Total 403.67 Total + GST $438.67 They have also advised me i need to get a customs broker to do the forms. Could anyone help me out with some advice? Also the company i used for the shipping has been terrible in my opinion, 2 months late and continuous lies every time i speak to them (in my opinion) Any advice would be very much appreciated, thanks, Tom
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