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Posts posted by Jambos

  1. Just a quick update on our situation:


    We still havent received any communication from DIAC after changing to ABFP on Feb 24th ie No email from CO to our agent or us.

    We called the DIAC this morning to enquire how our case is going, the advisor on the other end confirmed that we HAVE been assigned a case officer around a month ago, our application is currently going through " routine checks" and we can be "rest assured" that our application is currently being worked on.


    Reassuring to know but still so frustrating!!!!!!!:wacko:


    The wait continues...............................


    Very frustrating. Have you been for medicals or are you waiting for your CO to request them??

  2. Hi everyone. Is anybody's Application Status stuck on "Further medical results received"? Ours has been this way since 20th March. I'm wondering is there currently a bottleneck in processing the 26EH and 160EH forms in Sydney?


    Hi my meds have been finalised. status shows further medical results recieved 13/4 then health requirements finalised 13/4. The rest of the family are still showing as received. So is it only referred meds that need to be seen by med team?:confused:

  3. By the way Nats how were your medicals?? Our were pretty thorough I was glad I wore my best undies!!:embarrassed: We may have a bit more of a hold up as my older daughters medical has been put in the B category so will probably be referred. :err:I agree this is by far the worst time. Hope you have good news soon :biggrin:

  4. Hi everyone. Is anybody's Application Status stuck on "Further medical results received"? Ours has been this way since 20th March. I'm wondering is there currently a bottleneck in processing the 26EH and 160EH forms in Sydney?


    Hi Ours have only been like that since 5/4 and its driving us mad, sleepless nights etc.:cry: Still have everything showing as required although from what other people have said this may not change.

    Hope you hear soon :daydreaming:

  5. guys,

    in your request letter for medicals and pcc, did they indicate all the applicants names? or just the main applicant?

    coz in my letter, it only has my name... so, not sure if hubby should have the medicals as well...


    Hi Keisha


    All applicants need to have medicals and pcc. it should be listed on your status. Good luck!!

  6. Just checked again and our visa was granted yesterday 7th April, we must enter Oz before 26th March 2013.


    We still haven't told family yet, thought we might wait until i officially hear from our migration agent but don't know if i can wait that long!


    Thank you to everyone who has congratulated us :biggrin:


    Congratulations silverbobby great news, you must be soooo excited. Enjoy it!!:laugh:

  7. Hi


    We've just had our medicals as everyone knows we are once again in a stress. Once our xrays and bloods have been looked at the clinic will send them on as they have our TRN number. How will we know when this has happened? Will our agent know or will we receive anything from DIAC to let us know or do I fear we JUST HAVE TO WAIT...................:arghh:


    Sorry to keep going on and I know I really need to get a life outside PIO but i'm afraid I'm completely obsessed:twitcy::wacko:[/quote


    I got so stressed about my medicals I gave myself chest pains!!!!! Your clinic will wait for bloods to get back before uploading, so about a week ish maybe 5 days if lucky. Your on line status will change to say received and then referred or met for each individual applicant. Once every is Met then your done. Very best of luck and I will keep looking to see your happy status! X


    Were your meds referred or were they ok?

  8. Hi


    We've just had our medicals as everyone knows we are once again in a stress. Once our xrays and bloods have been looked at the clinic will send them on as they have our TRN number. How will we know when this has happened? Will our agent know or will we receive anything from DIAC to let us know or do I fear we JUST HAVE TO WAIT...................:arghh:


    Sorry to keep going on and I know I really need to get a life outside PIO but i'm afraid I'm completely obsessed:twitcy::wacko:

  9. Hey Jambos, how are you doing? I v not been on here for soooooooooo long, i see your well on your way to completion. Hope your meds go through ok and youll be flying high in no time :cute: Just popped on here to see if any of the old gang are around. Best of luck to you :wubclub:


    I'm still in the UK, waiting for house sale to go through then i'm of for good. I had one fallen through and this is house sale number 2:arghh: so fingers and toes crossed. Although very stressful, nothing can compare to the stress of getting the Visa so i'm coping ok atm!


    Good luck to all on this amazing thread :hug:


    Good to hear from you so the stress continues post visa grant by the sound of it. looks like you are just about there so fingers crossed for you. Where are you heading to??

    I think I've reached a point where if its meant to be it will happen but the waiting is really hard on all the family.:arghh:

    Good luck to you hope it all works out well when you get there at least the sun will be shining!!:cool:

  10. That's good - I'm sure it'll be ok. We're in similar situation. Our daughter has received all treatment (or at least will have before we move!) and our consultants are very positive that she is unlikely to need any further treatment beyond the norm at least. We're hoping this will be enough to show them she will not be a drain on the medicare system. She will need check ups though. Pity we don't have a crystal ball, eh?

    I'll always find something to worry about anyway lol! Positive thoughts your way. Hope it all works out.


    Wishing you all the best for yours. Keep us informed on how its going :unsure:

  11. Hope it all goes well for you! Keep us posted. Shouldn't be too long now.


    Did you bring along letters from consultants or did you just explain her medical history (sorry if seeming nosy - its just that because of the easter hols many of the dr secretaries seem to be on leave and I can't seem to get hold of the orthopaedic dr at all) I didn't even know there are different categories re health! How far down the alphabet does it go!? Maybe Category Bs not too bad?


    Theres only A or B!! We brought the latest consultant letter along. Our daughter is actually doing really well issues nearly resolved. we are just waiting for one more test to see if she needs medication or not......

  12. Hi


    -Jambos- the case officer e-mailed our agent requesting medicals and police checks so I booked the meds for 21st April in a clinic in Dublin. Quoted 801euros for two adults and 4 kids under 11. We also need to provide more evidence that my husband has been in employment. Our daughter has had aLOT of health issues so I'm really nervous about her medicals. She has had heart surgery, ENT issues(including a tracheoplasty) and is deaf in one ear (awaiting implant surgery). We've been advised to get letters from each of her consultants(there are many!) to avoid delays and to reassure DIAC that all procedures will have been done. Also shes not on medication. Nail biting times!!!


    We tried to get work issues resolved before we went for meds and pcc but inthe decided to go for it anyway. My older daughter has had some health issues and been put in cat B for significant health history so the worry and waiting continues....................................................:frown:

  13. Yeah hopefully, everything seemed ok. Just the blood tests that they coundln't confirm. We are at The Spires in Edinburgh, there are 4 of us and we were in and out in just under and hour and the wallet being £780 lighter.


    The cost was a bit painful. Ours took 2.5 hrs although was very busy.

  14. Hi Jambos, Sorry to hear that, hope everything goes smoothly for you. Where did you get your meds done? We just got ours done today also!! :biggrin:


    We went to The Bridge Clinic hope yours went ok ................

  15. Hi everyone!


    We received our CO today so we can go ahead now with the police checks and meds. Have been asked for further proof of work experience though we are hoping we can sort this out. Fingers crossed! We applied for a 175 on 11/10/11


    Congratulations !!


    Were you requested by your CO to go for meds??

  16. Just had meds today.


    Been advised by the GP that one of children will be classified as a 'B' i.e Significant history or abnormal findings present!!:arghh:


    Not sure how this will be considered in Oz. There is nothing major but just a history of ENT and some on-going minor gastric investigations.


    Very nervous about this.

  17. I’ve received DIRECT GRANT notification today. Yes, you are reading right. 5th October’11 applicant.


    Thank You all for keep me in your prayer and I am also praying for all of you.


    Congratulations !!:wink:

  18. Visa granted 5th April 2012...entry made no later than 24th feb 2013!

    flights will be booked for September!! Thanks for all your help poms in oz compadres!

    Excited does not even begin to cover it! Good luck everyone still waiting! xxx


    Congratulations so exciting for you go and celebrate and then start packing !! :laugh:

  19. Nice news on the updates this morning!


    Just waiting to get our pcc's back... Meds are on Thursday.


    Do the clinics digitally upload our med results too? I got this vague impression from the clinic website (although DIAC seems to indicate it all gets posted)


    Also, can anyone share some info on the meds themselves? Do I have to wear my decent knickers? :biglaugh:




    I don't have much idea about meds either Nats ours are also on Thursday.

    I'm going to be cautious and wear my best knicks just in case, have too many worries as it is!!:laugh:

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