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Status Updates posted by munchbaby99


    <p> </p>

    <p><p>Who cares about financial sense, as long as you have enough to get over there and survive a few months, you'll be right. You'll get a job easy with your charm, you should not give up on it quite yet.....</p></p>

    <p><p> </p></p>

    <p><p>hopefully I'll get there sooner rather than later but I'll take later over never. Thanks for the stretchy hug, need those sometimes!</p></p>

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    <p><p>Unfortunately not, still grinding applying for jobs weekly in aus and not getting any nibbles. I'll keep on trying til I eventually get there.</p></p>

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    <p><p>glad you are living a nice Christian life......any news on your situation?</p></p>

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  3. <p><p>I'm good thanks Pabs, just been crazy busy so haven't had time to get on here much. How's things with you?</p></p>

  4. <p><p>Ha ha I know, I've deleted loads of stuff now tho</p></p>

  5. <p><p>I see that the comments have been moved now though.....how's things with you anyway?</p></p>

  6. <p><p>I tell ya, some people are so damn rude, would love to meet them all in person and see what sh1te they come out with then.....</p></p>

  7. <p><p>Cheers Pabs, I hope aus happens for both of us, I know your deadline is looming but there are still 3 months and a lot can happen in that time. I don't hate mushy ha ha, just can't get smileys on tapatalk. You better not have nominated me for mod ha ha, I don't have the time.....</p></p>

  8. <p><p>Yay, I'm one of your chosen ones..............back at u SP buddy</p></p>


    <p> </p>

    <p><p>Yeah it was, I was worried for a while though, pulled it back in the end. Good second half!</p></p>

    <p><p> </p></p>

    <p><p>I'm not to bad thanks, counting down to Christmas so I can have a week off work :0). How's you?</p></p>

    <p> </p>


  10. <p><p>I know, like I said, I shouldn't have thought that, in a weak moment I let someone's comments get the better of me, not sure why I'm letting things get to me today........</p></p>

  11. <p><p>Thanks munchkinella, they are such cheeky little ladies that you can't help but miss them. My older niece (just turned 9 last week) told me that she would give me her $210 that she has saved to help buy a house in Australia so I could live next door to them, almost made me cry, she is to cute for words! Xx</p></p>

  12. <p><p>That's just me and you chatting, I dread to think what it would be like otherwise, I'd be cleaning it up every blimming day! It's your fault.......</p></p>

  13. <p><p>Sure, no worries. I am a girlie so it's ok to have that pic! I'm not that close to borough, I'm nearer to Greenwich so I can't just pop out for the pork sarnie, but I'll throw ya one if I'm ever passing by!</p></p>

  14. <p><p>Well I thought one of us should :tongue:</p></p>

  15. <p>Thanks for that Pabs, unfortunately I was out in sunny Basildon bowling!!! Bowled like a numpty along with the rest of the team too!! What was the score?</p>

  16. <p>I know, it was amazing, am so happy. So we can beat Man and do the double over Chelsea, but we can't beat West Ham - whats up with that??? And Carrol got a little run out too. Suarez should have been credited with that goal though, it was going in, did not need a touch from Kuyt!</p>

  17. <p>I dunno - I generally use my iphone to look and post but occasionally I come on the pooter and I notice I have a visitor message!!! wouldn't know how to get to ures to be honest :embarrassed:</p>

  18. <p>Thanks Pablo - I was just reaching for my boots when I read the rest of ure post :wub:. I hope you're right about me getting there, I could do with some good luck!</p>

  19. <p>Cheers Pablo, heres hoping, I refuse to give up early! I will try and try until I know its defo not possible!</p>

  20. <p>Pablo, the problem with that is I can only come out on an ETA and you can't conduct any business on this visa. I am out in oz in nov/dec for a month visiting sister and hopefully my bro in law will have some info for me. He may be sponsoring me if he can get the nomination validated, he said he'll also speak to some contacts he has. So fingers crossed something comes from that.</p>

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