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Posts posted by ariomart

  1. After a frantic fortnight of packing up, parties, goodbyes, house and car selling, staying with friends and living out of a suitcase........:chatterbox: WE HAVE SET FOOT IN THE PROMISED LAND. We arrived yesterday on the 5th anniversary of my daughter's arrival and are happily settling into our new life in Adelaide.


    Off to sort out Bank, Tax, Medicare, Seniors Card etc in the next few days and have already planned a few 'opens' for the weekend! The adventure has begun (shame we left 30 degrees and blue skies in Surrey and arrived to 16 and rain in Australia):biglaugh:


    Can't believe we're finally here (probably never to return to the UK) and living the dream. Good luck to all on the journey, your time will soon come and 'g'day mate' to all those already here who have helped us along the way.:wink:

    What a wonderful uplifting post



  2. :jiggy:

    G'day Moira


    I happened to know that Oz uses DAB+, so when I invested in a digital radio I got a dual-standard one that also doubles as an internet radio (and has FM for good measure!). We have WiFi in our Sydney apartment, so with a bit of initial fiddling to set it up, we can now listen to local stations and the Beeb – and, for that matter, American jazz stations that I enjoy – without having to actually route the signal through the computer.


    (For anyone interested, it was a Revo Blick.)




    Sounds good Mike

  3. I have a Pure Evoke DAB radio and contacted them to see if I could get an upgrade to DAB+ and they said for my particular model this was not possible. There are a number of models that are upgradeable, so you might be lucky? You can still listen to the radio, just not use it as a Digital Radio.

    Thanks for all your replies. I can still use it just not as digital. Thats good.



  4. PIQs spotted in Ikea Logan :shocked:


    I am pleased to announce that the founding meeting of PIQs (parents in Queensland) was held late this afternoon in the Ikea, Logan, cafeteria!! :biggrin: Attendees - Marmite Matt & Mrs Marmite Matt and Les & Wanda Avalook. It was noted that as Ikea Family Members they were all Piqqing into the free coffee :embarrassed:


    Still bringin a smile to my face


  5. G&T on the central coast from K and M, meet up in Melbourne with you Moira..........any other offers???????


    We are visiting from beginning of November till early January, so plenty of time to take up offers!!!!


    We will be with our daughter and family in Sydney, but will be trying to leave them on their own for a couple of days a week, although if we are needed for babysitting???????? I'm always up for that.


    Moira, this will be my 7th time of visiting and leaving each time gets harder. Won't stop me though, until I'm too old to travel!!!!!!


    I'm trying Singapore Airlines this time, as so many on here have said they are the best. When I booked back in January they were also the cheapest!


    Have a wonderful holiday, and if we venture to Melbourne again, I'll give you a shout!!


    Cheers Pam


    Please do


  6. Hi Moira!

    I guess no-one has an easy life do they?

    Sorry to hear about your daughter, but you never know. The open door policy is always a good one.

    When do you hope to be in Melbourne? Looks like the times are coming down and the dollar rate going up!! Long may it continue that way...........

    I'll be keeping an eye on your progress1

    Cheers, Pam


    I plan to go over next August in their spring. I am going over for 2mths over xmas this year. So I am in Cheltenham Melbourne if anybody fancies meeting up.

    Do you every get over there Pam

    Best wishes Moira

  7. Hi

    We arrived in Melbourne almost 6 weeks ago...last week after lots of issues from the buyers...saying they wouldnt exchange..if we didnt change the locks as we had had tenants ..,our solicitor spoke to thiers etc..,and we did exchange on Wednesday ...then complete on FRIDAY last....,we have the cash in ukforex.....YIPPEE...on saturday we put down the deposit on a house...we had had it on a hold with a $1000 deposit for the last couple of weeks..,,...we cannot afford a house on our own and our family are borrowing the extra..,but ...we are paying it off...my dh has got a job...just one day per week for now...but it will cover the mortage....our shipping leaves the uk on tuesday....arrives a week after we move in ....dh has continued with hus volunteer work with both the SES and the boat rescue squadron ..plus now driving for the op shop...I have increased my hours at the OP shop and now do full day Friday...IM also caring for my grandson on Mondays and Tuesdays....crafting get together every week on Thursdays ...our lifes are full .....so now we are watching the $ for just a couple of days ...hoping for $1.60 to exchange our house money...we have spent every penny we have and didnt have to have this life..,I said to my dh the other day..,just had a thought....we dont have enough money for our funerals ....we both laughed....,do we care....not a bit..,we have gone from being able to just book a holiday when we wanted ..,to checking the prices of a tin of beans ..,ha ha ..,and its great ..,today we are having sunday roast .,with our family...its a long haul...lots if sleepless nights....lots of tears..,,but good when a plan comes together ..



    Lovely to read your post and very reassuring. One of the positive things about getting older is realising whats important in life


  8. To Les and Wanda, Jane and Clive and all the others that have recently completed the PV process...........Congratulations!!!!!!!!


    I have been on here for over two years, aching to be one of you, wanting to be suffering the 'not knowing' of whether visas would be granted or when!

    Also knowing (in my heart of hearts) that I could not leave my daughter and two granddaughters here and therefore, won't ever be making that cpv application.


    Now, so many of the names I knew are on the other side in the sunshine and I just wanted to say "Keep in touch!"


    Mr Avalook, you have made me laugh so many times with some of your posts, and obviously been so helpful to people with their visa journeys, it would be sad not to see your name on any more posts.


    Jane and Clive, whenever you get to a computer again, I was thinking of you on Wednesday, wondering what the last minute outcome was. Glad it fell into place!


    Again, congratulations to all that are on, or about to be on the other side.


    Cheers Pam

    Hi Pam

    My heart goes out to you and when I have my doubts about leaving long time friends I will remember how fortunate I am. I have a daughter over here but she has not wanted contact with me for the past 8 yrs and I am finally giving up hoping, although my door will always be open for her, but I guess the other side of that coin is that it is one less tie.

    What a life!


  9. Hi Its gone so quite out there, thought I would check that you havent all gone to a different forum and not told me.

    Last year my son was diagnosed with bowel cancer and it was found to be genetic so his australian doctor has suggested that I have a gene test. My concern is that if I am found to carry this gene (which is unlikely as the carriers develop cancer at a young age and that I am not) will it affect my visa application? Has anyone had anything similar.?

    How are the house sales going?


  10. Not sure this is a good time to ask about my electric toothbrush plug, but in for a penny in for a pound. When in Melbourne (and i am going out for xmas) I cannot find an adaptor that my electric toothbrush will fit into. Has anyone else come across this? and better still has anyone found a solution?

    Love the site as much for the support as the info


  11. Hi Everyone

    Well after all the trauma, doubts, fears, we got the e mail we all are striving for.

    Your Visa is granted.:jiggy:

    We got our visa,:jiggy:

    We got our visa,:v_SPIN:

    We got our visa,:notworthy:

    We got our visa,:smile:


    Oh the joy of having the chance to go and hope it all works. Now the bump back to earth, just the house to sell. Any one want to buy a house in Rotherham, VERY close to a shopping mall????

    Best wishes to all still waiting


    Thats brilliant news


  12. Like the other replies, i also sent the money for my visa etc via ukforex to my cba account in Sydney. I opened it a couple of years when out on avisit and it couldn't have been easier. When i actually paid for the visa i had to phone cba to raise the limit allowable for a payment but again, straightforward. The interest rate paid is very generous too and they allow you to open new accounts whenever they have a new product on offer- I'm currently getting 6% gross on the the money I've transferred ready for my move - makes up a little for the dreadful exchange rate!

    That sounds like a very good rate compared to here

    Thanks Moira

  13. Hi out there

    I have been following the posts about money with interest. Do some people get their money over to Oz via UKForex and then pay the visa from an Oz account. I am thinking that allows you get it over when the exchange rate is good! ha ha Although I remember that Aus Immi has a set rate for the year so it would go at that rate and my bank charged me 25gpb for putting some money in d-i-l's account. This is all new to me so I am thinking out loud here. If the money is in an Oz account do you just send a cheque for the big amount at the end? My money is in ISAs getting 2.something at the moment. I am going over to Oz for christmas and will open a bank account when over there. Would be glad of any suggestions about different banks

    thanks for a great site.

    I miss Sirmat


  14. How exciting to hear 'the end of the waiting stories' from people. I am waiting for my acknowledgement letter, they have taken the money for the first payment but I am already worrying about how I am going to tie it all up at the end. Could I leave the estate agent to sell the flat? I was thinking that things would have to be shipped weeks before I leave (incase the shippers dont turn up and I have to rebook) and could I live on an air bed and with just a kettle!!!!! You see how its going. And I think I saw on the tracker that someone got their CO in 8months or have I read that wrong.? Thats panicking me although I dont have to go straight away but I know I will want to.

    Anyway congratulations to all who are on your way. Leaving is very sad but as someone said being able to see your grandchildren when you want must be wonderful


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