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Posts posted by ariomart

  1. Interesting question. The panel doctor told me that I had blood in my urine on the day, so he sent it to the path lab (extra 30gbp) this was tested for white cells and protein. Both of which were absent. He said I could come back in a week for another test if I wanted and that DIAC would wannt me to have some tests if there was still blood there and that I had to make sure to have the tests they stated. I asked him what the tests woould be, but he didnt know. His explanation was that once he clicked 'yes' in the box for bld in urine it would automatically say the tests that would be required but it would also mean that the form had gone to DIAC and he was giving me the option of having another test in a weeks time to see if there was any change. So it seems to me that there isnt a person looking at this it comes up with the approriate tests automatically. Yesterday I asked him to click the box (which meant sending over to DIAC) so I could get the tests done. But in my email just now he has sent the path report but no tests have been mentioned. The Dr office is shut now - so I am not sure whether he sends me tests or they go over to DIAC and they email me. So I will ring the Dr office tomorrow and ask who sends it to me. BUT time is ticking away. As soon as I get information about the tests I will email my CO and tell her what I am doing and ask for an extension.

    People on here have often said how fraught everything gets at the end and I have tried to be as organised as I can but I have joined others in panic, loss of appetite, loss of sleep etc...........

    Hope this helps Jane


    Hi Moira,

    Could you tell me please, how did you know about the fault medical result? Was it from your visa-officer? Did the visa-officer tell you about your medical fault?

    I am interesting because our medicine was sent to the Medical Officer of Commonwealth for review. That is what our officer said. So I afraid about the result of medicine and how long this review will take.

    Thank you.


  2. Hi

    I thought you might be interested in my d-i-l experience of Centrelink.

    I failed my medical so I am waiting for DIAC to let me know what further tests I need.

    Its not a good idea to leave the medicals until we get the case officer but the 2 clinics in London wouldnt let me do until I had the HAP no:


    "I got a call from Centrelink to do my interview over the phone. She said the Assurance of Support has been processed (ie. they are happy with all the docs I filled in and dropped off). She explained my 10 year commitment to make sure you don't try and rip off Centrelink. She said I will get a letter from Centrelink with details of where to put the money. When I get the letter I just call the Commonwealth Bank to arrange a time to see them to open the account that the $10k bond goes into. Then the Commonwealth Bank will give me letter evidence that I need to take back to Centrelink to prove that the money is deposited. That's it. Easy"


  3. Hi there

    I was very interested to read your post. I am wondering what difference having citizenship would make a difference for you.


    Thank you


    I do know that there is some talk of the UK government maybe rethinking freezing the state pension for those living in Australia, not that I think it will make a lot of difference. This is because so many pensioners are returning to the UK as they can no longer afford to live here. This of course puts pressure on the Health Service and Social Security. We loved it here after coming on holiday for many years and when we forked out for the CPV it was with the intention of staying here. Since starting the process, however, the exchange rate has gone pear shaped, so we still haven't bought a house here - OH isn' really happy with the style and quality of Australian houses - and if we do will have to set our sights a lot lower than we had anticipated when we first started this process.. We are finding it very expensive here especially in WA and are not able to live the lifestyle that we had anticipated and are aware that we could have a much better standard of living back in the UK. It's not something you can really gauge till you live here. Having said that we still have a couple of pensions which we have not yet started to draw, so I guess the crunch will be to see how we go and whether the exchange rate bucks up.


    We love being with our family and young grandchildren and that's priceless, but don't feel entirely at home here. I know some people have said they don't care about living frugally as long as they can be with their family. However, we still have a daughter in the UK, but she has expressed an interest in moving to Australia maybe some time in the future, so we would like to stay here and see if we can get citizenship to keep our options open. It wouldn't be spending the money that would cause us to make more of an effort, but the fact that we had both our kids here. We do feel torn at the moment but if we can get citizenship then spending the money won't have been in vain.

  4. Hi all

    Just thought I would update you on Centrelink, my d-i-l (assurer) sent me a text say. "Appointment done. I called this morning and they said just come in. No need for an appointment. It is processed by the virtual office so I just drop in the proof of ID and income and the letter, it was that easy." No one seems to have mentioned MONEY. I have emailed her and awaiting a reply.


  5. Thanks for that. One less form to fill out. I dont know if its just me but I seem to take ages to complete a form.


    Hi Moira


    We were asked to provide this form too but we were not using an agent so we got in touch wth our CO and he confirmed that we didn't need it. I think it's just the standard wording they use when they contact you. Hope this helps. Angie

  6. Hi everyone

    I got my case officer this morning so busy filling out forms. I have a question they ask me to provide a "Form 956 - Advice by a migration agent/exempt person of providing immigration assistance". Do I need to fill this in as the only help I have had is off this site?

    What did others do?

    I have updated the tracker

    Best wishes Moira

  7. Hi Moira

    I notice you say you will not be able to ship your goods unless you have your visa. Are they very strict about that - I ask as I was going to ship my stuff over next summer - and probably won't have visa granted - was going to go on tourist visa and await PR grant. This of course all depends on how fast the house sells. Wondering if it would be possible to ship my stuff over under my daughters name as it will all be going to her address anyway. Any advice appreciated.


    Hallo Cath

    Yes they said they cant ship itt - I think they need a certain number. But contact Caroline at John Masons - I found her very helpful. She found out about whether I could ship homeopathic remedies and the restrictions etc and I hadnt even booked them just enquired.

    That is something about this site - questions come up that you didnt realise. I dont think I could have done this without an agent if I hadnt found this site, although I dont think I would have felt the same support from an agent and that is something else money cant buy.

    Let me know how you get on


  8. Hi Moira, Your'e right, it is a palava! If you haven't yet got your CO, I would contact your ANZ branch and ask them to send you the forms to allow another signatory on your account. Or, there is a branch in London who might send you the forms - number is 0203 2292436, have a chat to them and see what they say. I wished I'd have thought of that for our visa now!

    At least you can be doing something which will save time while you wait for your CO.

    Let us know how you get on!

    Regeards, Val x


    Hi Val

    I phoned the London office and she said they are always getting this problem (no help to me) She suggested phoning Oz and see if they would email me a form to me. Telephoned Oz and they dont send out a form for this I would have to go to the branch and he could give me the phone no of the Mentone Branch. Then he said that if the money is in my account I cann pay with my Visa debit card!!! So I guess thats the way I will go and I hope he is right.

    Is this exciting or what!

    wishing you well Moira

  9. Hi Moira, Your'e right, it is a palava! If you haven't yet got your CO, I would contact your ANZ branch and ask them to send you the forms to allow another signatory on your account. Or, there is a branch in London who might send you the forms - number is 0203 2292436, have a chat to them and see what they say. I wished I'd have thought of that for our visa now!

    At least you can be doing something which will save time while you wait for your CO.

    Let us know how you get on!

    Regeards, Val x

    Thanks Val I will

  10. Hi Moira,

    I thought about you when DIAC wrote and told me they won't accept my cheque. It seems that their definition of a "bank cheque" is the same as our "bank drafts" or "bankers order". In other words, a cheque which is issued by your branch.

    Unfortunately, my daughter has no authorisation for our ANZ account and so she can't do the transaction and we can only spend $10,000 per day. I spoke to the manager today and she has caved in to my pleas and will allow my daughter to collect the "bank cheque" from her local ANZ branch provided she takes her passport and some stuff with her address printed on (utility bills etc). I have had to send the bank a scanned copy of my passport, my daughters passport and the invoice from DIAC along with a letter confirming that I give my permission to allow her to collect it.


    Does your son/daughter have access to your account? If so, you will probably be ok. If not, check to see what your daily limit is. Ours was only $1000 per day but we upped it to $10,000 ages ago but it took a week for it to show online. I could have moved $10,000 per day to my daughters account until the £32,010 was in her account BUT she banks with ING and has no branch and we havent the time to wait for her bank to post it out to her.


    If you start making your arrangements now, you wont be stuck like us when the time comes. How long do you think it will be before you have to pay for your visa?


    DIAC have let me have a bit more time to get the cheque to them but it will probably get there by the end of next week.


    Hope I've made sense of it all to you.


    Good luck with yours, Val x


    Hi Val

    What a parlava all to give them a shed load of money. I did up my daily amount to $10 000 a week or so ago, after reading something on this site. I never thought to give d-i-l or son access to my account. Do you think they would accept a bank cheque from one of their accounts? - I could start putting the money over now,

    I am hoping for a case officer any moment now. Have been waiting 14mths now although it does seem to have gone quickly. I am leaving work on the 26 of this month and have booked the shippers for the 22 Oct, I think my things will have to go in storage for a while as I wont have my visa by then. I will stay with a friend for the last month

    Look forward to hearing what happens with you


  11. OOOPS! What a complete plonker I am! I sent the cheque from my own personal ANZ account last week using an expensive courier. It arrived on Friday. This morning I get an email from our CO saying its not acceptable and he is returning it to me! So, I log on to ANZ to request a "bank" cheque and I can't have one of those either as my daily spending limit is only $10,000.


    When I've calmed down I'm going to fire off an email to the said CO to ask for more time. Short of getting on a plane, I don't know what else to do! I've emailed our bank manager to see what she can do (not holding my breath though!) When we paid our CPV 173 last October they let my daughter pop in and pick up a cheque and she sent it to DIAC so fingers crossed, they'll do it again this time.


    So glad my blood pressure appointment was last week..................................


    Will keep you posted! Val x

    Hi Val

    I felt panic rising just reading about the cheque. So it seems they wont take a personal cheque, like you I have the money in my ANZ account so will be looking forward to hear how you get on. What is a bank cheque?

    I hope it is soon sorted for you

    Best wishes


  12. Hi out there

    it is good to hear everyones exciting news.

    I wonder if anyone knows the answer to this question. A friend asked me - if she applies for the visa that takes years and then changes to a 143 or 173 at a later date, will the years that she has already been waiting be taken off of the wait for the 143?

    Best wishes


  13. Hi Moira, whereabouts in Melbourne are you heading to? We are down in Torquay on the Great Ocean Road - about 1.25 hours drive from Melbourne CBD. Love it!!! Gill

    I will start off staying with my son in Mentone. We are on the Great Ocean Road but nearer to the city. Dont you just love it when they use the english names. My daughter-in-law says they are usually english names of aboriginal.

    I am so looking forward to being by the sea.

    Will keep in touch


  14. Well, we have arrived. The eagle has landed!

    Almost exactly 21 months after first dreaming the dream we touched down at Sydney airport with 13 (yes, thirteen!) suitcases courtesy of Singapore Airlines.

    Collected our pre-bought car today and move into our apartment in Fairlight, NSW on Tuesday with completion on Monday. Now the wait for our container to arrive at the end of October. Staying with our daughter across the bay in Manly until then.

    But even hiring furniture at reasonable cost is easy here, with next day delivery!

    The last few weeks have been a whirlwind of activity, even though we had so much notice of the work to be done. Don't underestimate it.... make your decisions on what you're taking and start getting rid of unwanted furniture especially (auctions, private sales, ebay, etc) right NOW!!

    Time really accelerates towards the end, so don't be disheartened if you're at the start of the road.

    Good luck all. We'll keep you posted on "things to do (and not do!)" once you get here.

    John & Eirian


    You are so right about making decisions about what to take. I keep going through things and I am gradually taking less and less. But it is the small things, my pencils, reels of sellotape (silly things - buy they eventually go) but I do feel that with the sale of the flat and getting a CO things will become hectic. I am one of the people who couldnt get medicals done before getting a CO.

    At the moment I sometimes feel time is going very slow - no CO yet - and other times it is speeding away.

    Val - I am planning on sending a personal cheque so I hope they get used to it

    Best wishes


  15. Hello Moira

    Thank you so much for your response so good to hear there are others on this site in similar circumstances as my own. Being single and trying to decide on which way to go is an enourmous mind blowing decision and probably big gamble to take. Love your attitude of at least you are giving it a try and that is probably where I'm at at the moment. I will be visiting my daughter in Perth November having a long stay and hopefully by the end of my visit with only a few months for her to of been in oz 2 years I will be applying for the 143. I have already made a decision that I will put the house on the market on my return but my only concern only that nothing is moving in my area, but hey if it's meant to go it will go. Where abouts are you planning to move to? Keep me informed as it will be interesting to follow your path. How long do you think it will take and when did you apply for the 143? Thanks again Moira.




    Hallo Gina

    I am going to Melbourne. I applied for my 143 in July 2011 so I hope to get a Case Officer this month. My flat sold in 6days, just the right person walked through the door. I have booked a flight for 30 November - if I havent got my visa by then I will have to change my flight. I went over to Melbourne for 2mths last christmas just to make sure it is where I wanted to be and if anything I felt more sure of my decision. It seems the shippers cant ship my things until I have the visa so they may have to go into storage for a while.

    The other thing about Australia is money can earn good interest, 5.75 I believe on some accounts so thats good to know.

    I will let you know as soon as I get a CO.

    Fingers crossed Moira

  16. Thank you for your very informative post. My head is spinning with the amount of information I am trying to take in as next year I will qualify to apply for a for CPV 143 as my daughter would have been in oz 2 years and trying to work out if i will manage financially. I'm 64 and a widow and although I would like to think I could perhaps work I wonder what the chances would be to even get any employment at this age. It would be nice to hear if there are any other single ladies out there thinking of or making the move to oz.

    Hi Zumsor

    I am on my own and 62. I have applied for a 143 and hope to get a CO this month or next. My flat is in the process of being sold. Like yourself I cant imagine anyone wanting to employ me at 62, although I am fit. But never say never. I am not doing a lot of planning about being in OZ just going to make sure I am open to any opportunities that come my way. Friends say I am brave, but I am not. At this end of my life I am not looking to build a career and I havent got anyone relying on me so I am going to take this move as an adventure.

    Who knows what life has in store. I dont want to get to the end of my life and think that I played safe, even if it doesnt work out in Oz I would rather have tried than stayed safe (because that is what it would mean for me). I am the sort of person who lives in the ssame place for years and stayed at the same job. So maybe someone will want to employ a 62 year old with a sense of adventure.

    Someone else said earlier about selling the family home and not feeling sad. I agree with that - think I have gone through that and now I say - bring it on - well gently!!!

    I wish you well and you will not find a more helpful and supportive site than this

    Best wishes Moira

  17. Hi Phoebe

    It is good to hear from you and add my wishes for your good health.


    How I recognise your mixed feelings about leaving. I have an offer on my flat and the estate agent wanted to make an appointment for the surveyor to come around and I can feel myself stalling, thinking its all going to fast. It isnt really as it is nearly 14mths since my application went in and I have been thinking about moving over for a lot longer but I keep going. I just look at the photo of my grandchildren on the beach and remember why I am going.

    Best wishes


  18. Fantastic news. So happy for you




    Just out for the day in the Cotswolds and looked at my phone to check the time and there it was - the email we've been waiting so long for!


    HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO ME.....HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO ME! The celebrations have begun.......


    I love you all.....especially our CO - you gorgeous girl!!!

  19. W

    We have received our letter requesting the 2nd VAC last week and the only two options they give are to pay by Credit Card or Bank Cheque/Draft. In big bold letters it specifies "PLEASE DO NOT PAY BY PERSONAL CHEQUE OR BY CASH". We have transferred the monies to our son's bank and he will have the Bank Draft made up and then post it to Perth.


    Val x


    Wow who pays by cash!

    Thanks for that I will have to transfer the money to my sons account


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