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Everything posted by paulv

  1. They are a party for privileged older white English males who can't deal with the way the world, and our society, has changed, and who make out that they are a discriminated against minority http://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2014/may/07/jeremy-clarkson-ukip-maverick-establishment-racist They are also xenophobic http://www.theguardian.com/politics/2014/may/13/british-asian-ukip-supporter-quits-party-racist-populism-sanya-jeet-thandi
  2. That 'report' presumably came from CCHQ as Labour has solid following from the very demographic that UKIP hate - young, city dwelling, mobile, non white, non xenophobic. Let's see how Tories are after UKIP steal their seats in Euro elections - they'll be bartering with UKIP to stop Labour getting an outright majority next year.
  3. I remember a certain Mr N Clegg promising exactly the same thing 5 years ago. UKIP will get a maximum of 8% of the vote, equating to ZERO MP's but they will spilt the Tory vote majestically, handing victory to a Lab/Lib coalition. The world won't end, nor will all our hopes be realised as a result.
  4. Being gay isn't a fictional belief so that's a bit of a weird proposition. But Muslim pharmacists for example have been sacked for refusing to administer morning after pills etc as it's in their job description. Your belief system does not excuse you not doing your job.
  5. Reading to children is one of the most important things you can do as an adult to stimulate language, understanding, abstract thought - the list goes on. Refusing to read to them because you don't like the story is ridiculous. If I don't like red cars should my rights to not read anything with a red car be protected too?
  6. If a 12 week old group of cells is a foetus maybe maternity leave should be from 3 months instead of birth? And we should pay child tax credits and child allowance to these families too?
  7. Earlier in the thread someone who had the terrible experience of a miscarriage at 12 weeks described the aftermath as 'like a heavy period'. But you call a foetus at that age 'a baby'. I trust you're not a medical professional?
  8. http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/religion/10776411/Christian-nursery-worker-sacked-after-refusing-to-read-gay-stories-to-children.html more bleating from those who believe their religious views should trump the rights of all others
  9. But 2 doctors agreeing to this given her publicity hungry agenda would be risking professional suicide
  10. A group of cells aren't a human - so referring to life and death is a moot point.
  11. If you believe in the Daily Mail you should support her abortion too - how else can you get hot under the collar without this click bait?!
  12. Lets stick them with the 15,000 other UK kids awaiting adoptive families then. Not the answer
  13. paulv

    British Bobbies

    They may be untrustworthy and institutionally racist but there are still many fine police in the UK... http://www.buzzfeed.com/lukelewis/hertfordshire-police-left-this-lovely-note-after-giving-a-dr
  14. People do. They often provide facts, links to research etc that disprove the thrust of the links posted. Some people just can't handle the truth...
  15. Damn that political correctness. If only people who continually posted disparaging stories about ethnic minorities were not unfairly labelled as having an agenda - the world would be a much nicer place for us all.
  16. That's the system of democracy we use. Do you expect a government to seek approval in every decision it makes?
  17. Not me. What about you Comrade Pablo?
  18. If migrants bring children to the UK they are 'swamping' our schools and hospitals apparently. By that reckoning these 24,000 families should be thanked for not adding to the supposed problem. A big hand for these conscientious Polish families!!!
  19. The irony of it taking a takeover by a foreign company to make it successful. It's an analogy for the UK economy.
  20. It's an Indian company now. Are we still allowed to be jingoistic?
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