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Everything posted by paulv

  1. <p>Some good weather for you! How are you finding things?</p>

  2. <p>I'm trying to get as many listopia Daily Mail things into my threads as possible</p>


    <p>Same goes mate, shame we couldn't spend all day drinking but maybe next time! </p>

    <p> </p>

    <p>No one else sees this page, I made it private except for friends, so you are preaching to the converted.</p>

    <p>Let's get together at mine next time, when it's sunny and we can make a day of it</p>



    <p>Yeah mate, I've memorised all them bad boys now. </p>

    <p>However I'll be too busy eating my foie grois and drinking cognac to do anything so vulgar as sing!</p>

    <p>See ya at 11 x x x</p>


  5. <p>Informed debate- dontcha just love it!</p>


    <p>Hey Darl, I'm looking forward to Sunday.</p>

    <p>I can pay you in installments can't I?</p>


  7. <p>Totally awesome Daily Mail list. Surely all the haters just cope and paste this?</p>

  8. <p>Ha ha, who are you- the Banter Meister? I'll see what time my body armour arrives and take it from there. I can't drink too much as I'm driving back innit. Did you ever get that phone btw?</p>

  9. <p>Whatever time you want me big boy! aka roughly 11ish i was thinking. It wouldn't be right to drink before that time methinks. Is that OK by you guys?</p>

  10. <p>Hi five!</p>

  11. <p>No need to apologise Geoff, it's your wife you should be doing that to!</p>


    <p>ha ha, kept seeing the link but never clicked it. Re pot and LSD - IT'S SOOOOOO TRUE!!</p>

    <p>And the bit about cutting with bull**it - genie arse!</p>


  13. <p>i was soooo hoping that you looked like your avatar...</p>


    <p>I'm a lover Sue, i'm spreading it far and wide, and these lovely folks are reciprocating. </p>

    <p>I'll darn my autograph into a dirty sock and you can download it from my fansite. </p>

    <p>Who's name should I put on it?</p>



    <p>How are ya, my friend? </p>

    <p>I've learnt something - there's only one thing that people hate more than Muslims - and that's people who don't hate Muslims.</p>

    <p>Here endeth the sermon Sista!</p>


  16. <p>Aaah, the Manchester weather. Enjoy it whilst it's a novelty- look at the hang dog expressions on the locals...that's what a lifetime of grey skies does to your constitution</p>

  17. <p>Hi Haters!!</p>


    <p>Ha ha, technology eh!</p>

    <p>Blighty's a great little country Matt, it's easy to say but don't get stuck in a work based rut - go and see North Wales, Cumbria, Scotland, Cornwall etc - all beautiful places and totally different environments too. Except they'll all be no more than passably warm most of the time!!</p>


  19. <p>Hey Matt, hows the UK?</p>

  20. <p>Of course! Good point today mate, cheers.</p>

  21. <p>I always imagined you more like your avatar. Keep up the good work!</p>

  22. <p>Funnily enough mate, when push came to shove, the offer was never confirmed. Hope you can do us a favour anyway, a draw will do.</p>

  23. <p>I missed it innit! Thankfully some PMs alerted me to it. How strange...</p>


    <p>Lyotard wrote of knowledge, not tangible goods and services. </p>

    <p>When I offered the correction, it was in terms of the original quote from Lyotard, but as language evolves, there are more words to describe the same things.</p>

    <p>This is the beauty of the post modern condition Nigel - question everything, accept nothing at face value.</p>


  25. <p>Technically you should be referring to the "commodification" of knowledge, but let's not nit pick</p>

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