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Status Updates posted by tracy123

  1. <p>No worries Cal talk to you tomorrow, just thought i'd make an effort LOL</p>

  2. <p>Congratulations, it's the best thing to ever happen to you. Enjoy the late night, early mornings and everything else that goes along with being a new dad</p>

  3. <p>Hi Cal really sorry for not responding to your msg, Had a great Christmas and a quiet new year, i hope yours was a great one so when are you heading back over........ LOL anyway take care and most of all BE GOOD.....!!! you don't want me having to spank you emmm i mean infract you (either way soulds rude LOL)</p>

  4. <p>it's floppity flip Cal!!!!!!</p>

  5. <p>so i guessed right???? errm i mean see I told you LOL</p>

  6. <p>it's amazing what google earth picks up. I think you need that spot on your bum looked at, I've noticed over the last few months it's starting to change colour....</p>

  7. <p>waiting for you to go to bed. The best things always pop up when you go to bed.......</p>

  8. <p>what are you still doing up the bill not on tonight????</p>

  9. <p>Hi Cal, thanks for the birthday wishes</p>

  10. <p>thats better LOL</p>

  11. <p>I always see you on my home page but you never say hi......... do i smell, or am i still on the naughty list?????</p>

  12. <p>Bless...... Yes love my new home very warm and fuzzy thanks for asking</p>

  13. <p>hello cal long time no chat</p>

  14. <p>snap!!....</p>

  15. <p>came on chat to say hi but you ran away LOL and you call me a snob!!!</p>


    <p>maybe six inches sorry i mean 6 bars is the best i can get out of life!!!!<a href="http://www.smileycentral.com/?partner=ZSzeb001_ZCxdm238YYGB" rel="external nofollow"><img src="http://smileys.smileycentral.com/cat/36/36_1_4.gif" alt="36_1_4.gif" /></a> LOL I was just interested thats all as after 200 clicks it didn't give me an extra bar?????</p>

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    <p><a href="http://smiley.smileycentral.com/download/index.jhtml?partner=ZSzeb098_ZCxdm238YYGB&utm_id=7926" rel="external nofollow"><img src="http://www.smileycentral.com/sig.jsp?pc=ZSzeb098&pp=ZCxdm238YYGB" alt="sig.jsp?pc=ZSzeb098&pp=ZCxdm238YYGB" /></a></p>


  17. <p>thats not true tims got about ten lmaso. im off to bed so you can start your thread i'll give you a head start if you want lol night cal</p>

  18. <p>I click the people who click me im getting lots. Im going bald with the stress!!!!!!AAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHH</p>

  19. <p>Ive had none all day its driving me crazy!!!!! aaaaahhhhhhhh!!!! Tim needs to sort this mess out. tell him all hell has broken out on pio they are picketing the site, he needs to hand out more clicks!!!!! lol</p>

  20. <p>have you watched the movie "elephant man"? like that only worse</p>


    <p><a href="http://www.smileycentral.com/?partner=ZSzeb001_ZCxdm238YYGB" rel="external nofollow"><img src="http://smileys.smileycentral.com/cat/15/15_4_132.gif" alt="15_4_132.gif" /></a> would you really want to know what i looked like? or would you rather the mystery???</p>

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    <p> </p>

    <p><a href="http://smiley.smileycentral.com/download/index.jhtml?partner=ZSzeb112_ZCxdm238YYGB&utm_id=7920" rel="external nofollow"><img src="http://www.smileycentral.com/sig.jsp?pc=ZSzeb112&pp=ZCxdm238YYGB" alt="sig.jsp?pc=ZSzeb112&pp=ZCxdm238YYGB" /></a></p>



    <p>just clocked your date of birth ,,1973 ,,you old git you ,lol</p>

    <p> </p>

    <p>Thats Tracy not me!!! lol</p>


  23. <p>being a mod you get paid big $$$$$ dont you?? dont tell me you would do it for free</p>

  24. <p>hope this info helps you?! dont forget to show the photos!! even the one of your bum being black and blue. lol</p>

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