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Everything posted by fluffy

  1. Hi Alan thank you you so much for your reply. I have passed the details on to me parents. I do have a slightly random question about when it comes to making payments. (I'm so confused) can I pay by debit card. Or what's the difference between a post office money order and a bank cheque. Thanks
  2. I have a little question - when it says about making payment by credit card does this only mean credit card or can you use a debit card? I don't have a credit card. Also the bank cheque is that the one where you go into the post office and pay and they fill out the cheque slip to be sent off. Thanks
  3. Hi vava yes they have applied for the 173 and now wanting to go for the 143, they know they will have to pay again for the application they were not planning on moving over until they got the 143 anyway so they timeframe of actually moving to Aus would only be extended by a month or two. I think they are no worried that if something happens to them or family in the 2 years of apply for 173 and getting 143 they have wasted their money. It's just so much money to spend, if they have the 143 approved they will moved straight away.
  4. hi Petina I live close to your daughter, I'm in Labrador. Hopefully getting my parents to move here as well
  5. Hi Maisiedaisy yes that's correct, they have paid the application fee and have now been asked to make payment however they want to now just apply for the 143, they understand they will have to pay an application fee again however as they were not planning on moving here until they had paid for the 143 they are now concerned that should something happen to either of them they have paid all that money for nothing where as if they withdraw from the 173 and apply for the 143 they will move over as soon as the visa is granted. I don't know what it was like for others but they are so undecided about which visa is the right one and should they pay all that money or just use it to visit every year. If they withdraw does it have an affect on them applying for another visa? thanks
  6. Hi all, I've not been in here in sometime but looking for any info about parent visas. My parents have put in for the contributory parent visa completing it in 2 stages. Currently they want to withdrawn and put in a new application for the full parent visa. Does anyone know if they are any consequences of with drawing an application and reapplying for another visa? Good of luck to those still waiting
  7. As soon as you arrive head to medicare to get your medicare card!!! Depending on your visa type or visit type you can get a visitor medicare card or a perm res medicare card either way get it as soon as possible!! In QLD you pay your ambulance fees in with your electricity which is great as in Vic when I was there is was a seperate bill. Once you have your medicare card any medical visits you have to pay for (should you not be bulk billed) you can claim some money back.
  8. Hi Guys bulk billing means medicare pay for the docs, I was on my perm res and had to be taken into hospital for an operation, I didnt have private health insurance but as it was deemed necessary I didnt have to pay for it. I pay to go to the doctors about $70 a visit but get some back from medicare bulk billing docs are the way to go though - They can help to get all sorts bulk billed - scans, x-rays. Dental work on the other hand is costly. As far as I'm aware there is no "medicare" for dental work
  9. Hi guys good luck with the move, I live in the redlands at Wellington Point, such a lovely place to be. Also hoping to get my parents out here soon. I would love to know how you settle in and also how you go with making friends and everything (some news to tell my parents and hopefully make it easier for them to move here) Good luck
  10. Thanks Fran I really hope they do choose to come out on the temp visa just to see how they will like it. I know Australia is really big on Baby boomers and those older getting new jobs and staying in the work force longer so I'm hoping that this will give them more of a chance to find jobs. Thanks for asking about jobs for me.
  11. Hi Guys Been a while since I've been on PIO but I am desperately trying to get my mum and dad here. I have been in Oz for 4 years now and live in Brisbane. My mum is very very keen but my dad is very worried about the cost/finding a job when he is here and worried about if they dont like it they will have nothing in the UK to go back to. My dad has his own business in the UK and would be selling his machinary or moving it here, they are currenlty looking at applying for the temp parent visa for the 2 years and my brother renting their UK house, then they would live with me here in Oz. Meaning they would have the 2 years to settle and decide if they want to stay. For me them moving here is everything and I really want them to come here, they are worried that at their age late 40s dad turning 50 next year that they wont get jobs. How have other people their age gone finding new jobs? I think my dad would like to be self employeed again - in landscaping- but then again how easy is it to build that customer base. Would many places look at him for a job in landscaping being 50? Any advice on parents moving here would be great. Also how easy has it been to make new friends? thanks
  12. Thank you so much for your detailed help, I will definalty be looking into each of these ideas, currently my vias hasnt been granted an ENS 121 is what I have applied for an it has been with immi for nearly 6 months so I should here back soon, I have been in Australia for 2years on various visas. My dad currently has no formal Quals, however has worked in the industry for over 20 years so I think doing the AQF III would be a very good idea. My brother also doesnt have formal quals however started his degree that is computer related which I think is on the skilled list. The part about my dad and the RSMS, Its all very interesting and I will be looking into each area with my family in detail. Thank you again. :wubclub:
  13. Thank you so much for all your info. There is just me and my brother so we meet the family balance test. My brother is working full time with my dad. So the temp cpv still takes a very long time (pants) I didnt know if my mums work could transfer her to Oz wasnt sure how that 1 worked either. I think I need to do some more research. Thanks again
  14. Hi guys I wanted to get some info about parent visas and the best way to go. My parents are currently in the Uk mum 44 dad 47, My perm visa should be granted in the nest few months and im looking at way to get my parents out here. My dad is a landscape gardner with 20+ years experience and running his own business. Although he has no formal qualifications in this area. My mum works as a secretary for a company in the UK that has now just opened branches in Oz in the Brisbane area. I understand that they are most likely too old for the skilled and sponsored visas, so need to look at other routes. Im not sure what they best visa to apply for is as I know there is a massive wait with parent visas, I have looked at the temp contributary parent visa as its my understanding that this visa may only take up to two years? I wondered if you apply for this visa then apply for the cpv perm do you get a bridging visa from one to another? So they wouldnt have to leave Oz after being here for 2 years on the temp? I also wanted to know as I have a younger brother who is 21 if he is classed as a dependant he lives at home with my parents but wasnt sure if he had to be under 18 to be a dependant. Thank you for any info anyone can give. Fluffy :wubclub:

    <p>Im in Oz on WHV been here for 2 years but applying for 121 offshore visa as we were told my other half couldnt do the onshore but now it turns out he can, arrhhh. If we withdraw we have to pay again.</p>

    <p>The visa is through my other half he is a general fabricator and welder.</p>

    <p> </p>

    <p>Yeah very stressful and now ive been told by the hosptial I shouldnt fly as I have to have my gall bladder removed and I will be puttng myself at risk if I fly arhhh.</p>

    <p> </p>

    <p>Hope immi gets to our case soon.</p>

    <p> </p>

    <p>What about you, are you in Oz?</p>


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