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Everything posted by eribow

  1. Wow! You have proved that determination pays off. You are a shining example of true determination. Mini you will be very proud. Well done!

    <p>What did your teachers say about you that still rings true today?</p>

    <p>Mine said: Her work is done slowly, but I feel she is a child with much to contribute.</p>

    <p>Now, I'm still slow. The only things I do fast are talking & eating.</p>

    <p>As for how much I have to contribute, well that's not really for me to say.</p>

    <p>Also: She has a special feeling for the use of words. This is in direct contrast to the timidity she feels towards maths. Yep...I can still write quite eloquently. But maths...yeuk. Positively dyslexic...if that's possible.</p>

    <p>How about you?</p>


  3. Parleycross, Your expat shield link works a treat. I can now watch wanted down under in oz. I knew there had to be an easier way! Cheers, Erica
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