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Phil & Vikki

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Everything posted by Phil & Vikki

  1. When we started looking into places for our son to start school, we were lucky as the Christmas before we went back to the UK and had the chance to take our son around the possible schools. So that he could pick the one that he felt most comfortable with and wanted to go too. He made his choice and then we emailed them direct about places. We looked on the local council website and that gave us all the dates and forms that we needed to fill in. All correspondence was performed either by telephone or email. Thank the lord for the TPG free international calls package that is all we can say lol. It helped us out a great deal being still in Sydney and trying to sort out things for our sons move. We did not think about holding our son back at all and even if we had, we would not have done so. In the end it turned out to be the right decision. If there was anything that we needed to do to help him get up to speed we would have, but as it turned out all was OK. Going into year one will be a bit of a shock for the little ones, but it is something they need to all go through to get them from day-care mode into school life. We would not recommend holding them back at all. To answer the question posed in the title of the post, as we did all the communications and set up via email and phone, while in Sydney, we were able to take our son one week before the new term started. One week to get the last minute things started and then one week with him while he did his first week in school.
  2. That is what we thought too, the sooner the better really. We have kids and the thought is that it would be best to start the new year, (start of high school) the same as when the others kids do. That way there is no standing out and adding to what is already a difficult time and adjustment period. All the people are new to high school and are in the same boat. Also that way you will be able to find out at what level you are and then work towards that.
  3. Phil & Vikki

    Christmas in Australia

    Ho ho ho and a merry Christmas to everyone

    <p>Hi Becky,</p>

    <p>How are you? We hope that you are OK. We would love to chat and have a meet up. Have you any kids? Our two can be a bit of a handful sometimes but we would not have them any other way.</p>

    <p>Do you come to the city much these days?</p>

    <p> </p>

    <p>Phil & Vikki</p>



    <p>Hi Cheryl,</p>

    <p>Thanks for the reply, </p>

    <p>Cheers, Phil & Vikki</p>


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