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Posts posted by AJ

  1. 32 minutes ago, Roberta2 said:

    Not likely.  These are extreme views.  However, I don't think the current one year PR requirement will stay either - two years seems more likely.  But just guessing like everyone else.

    The media need to stop reporting it as 1 year PR - this is ONLY if you have been here on a temp visa for 3 and then gained PR, you can then apply after having PR for 1 year.  people coming on PR from the start have had to do 4 years residency as PR before applying for citizenship. since I came which was 8 years ago.  Before that it used to be 2.

    • Like 1
  2. What you have to remember is your friends that you have a great time with when you are there on holiday are making a special effort to see you because you are only there for a couple of weeks.  You have been away for 7 years things move on, people get on with their lives while you are not around, maybe have different friendships than what they did when you lived there.  I dont think after a long time away you can expect it just to be the same as it did when you lived there before and before kids came along

    • Like 2
  3. 25 minutes ago, OzzieDreamer said:

    FYI - No, were were expecting only 2 mths  pregnant as she had periods in may june and july. We have known for only 2 weeks  that she is pregnant so please do not judge when you don't know all the facts.

    Sorry but the point I was trying to make really was the fact that you have left it till 15 days before your visa expires. Your visa still expires in 15 days even if she was not pregnant so were you just going to go home then 

  4. 5 hours ago, Parley said:

    Yess figures look very dodgy ?

    $400 for Perth.

    Doesn't sound likely.

    I wish!  We put just under $50,000 down and still had to pay LMI!  And we dont have a mansion, just a modest 3x1 fixer upper!  You can get low deposits if you go with those homebuyers companies that you have to take their finance with, probably for a little square box on a 200 plot though!

    • Like 1
  5. 7 hours ago, andyscary said:

    dredg97 I did the test the 1st June and my wife the 29th June and no approval arrived yet. We need to travel and we can not leave before Approval letter is issued. Just don't understand if they are going to give approval all in ones in November/December for all applications (if they meet requirements). Is this what they meant in the Public Hearing you mentioned? 


    Of course you can travel.  If your 5 year travel part of your visa is up all you need is an RRV.  You are not actually a citizen until after the ceremony and that can take months yet, it is only then that you need an Australian Passport.

  6. 11 minutes ago, Quoll said:


    am always bemused at why the Poms make such a big deal of bulk billing.


    Because so many come over with such a sense of entitlement that they should get everything for free because they are British!

    • Like 1
  7. On 8/16/2017 at 14:29, aconcannon said:

    We've managed to get a 10% reduction on our rent for the 'inconvenience' of them selling it and us having to vacate for open inspections etc. Have stuck to our guns re the inspection times which they are begrudgingly adhering to!!

    Had my manager telling me (stressing me out to death) that once the apartment has been bought the new owner can transfer to a new real estate should they so wish, this means they can then increase our rent and ask us to sign up for another 12 month lease (for example) or worse still kick us out if they decide they want to move in! Have read endless things online saying they legally can't do any of this until our fixed term lease is up in March of next year, however, my manager is adamant these rules are broken all of the time - anybody had any experience in this matter???

    Sent from my iPhone using PomsinOz

    I had a rental property being sold when we were still in it. Even if it is sold they have to honour the conditions of the lease that you signed so the rental agent is trying to get one over on you.  You do not have to vacate when they are doing the open inspections, you are entitled to be there.  I insisted, I was not having strangers walking about a house that all my personal belongings were in, just insist if you want to stay.  We had bought a house anyway and our lease had 3 months to go but we wanted to move in a month, I also refused to do viewing whenever they felt like it but agreed to give them Weekend viewings if they let us out of our lease the 2 months early, as if it didnt sell we would have the rent to pay, it worked so everyone was happy in the end.

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  8. 3 hours ago, jess6 said:

    I do not know the details for all the cases, but I believe that Waters was born in Canada from Australian parents and left when she was less than a year old.

    She did not know she had automatically acquired the Canadian citizenship. Citizenship laws are different in each country and also change.

    Nothing to do with intelligence. It is not even a mistake, they just did not know.

    And even if it was a mistake, people are allowed to make mistake. No need to finger point.

    Well surely as she knew she was born in Canada, maybe this is something she should have checked out if she didnt know before she accepted her position. Would that fact that she was born in another country not prompt her just to check and make sure?

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  9. 8 minutes ago, jess6 said:

    I just read this. One thing I do not understand: why do some senators or representatives step down and other do not?

    What's the difference between Waters and Joyce?

    In today's world, it might make sense to revisit the Section 44.

    I dont understand why all these so called intelligent people do not check they comply with all the regulations before taking a public office.

  10. 1 hour ago, msfuk said:

    Hello guys!

    Please someone could help me to understand the process to get an unrestricted license in Australia? Step by step, please. First - Submit documentary evidence to Future Skill International, Second - if outcome is positive for documentary evidence, next step is practical assessment, Third - if practical is positive take OSTR, if negative take a gap course. Fourth - after your OSTR positive I need to work 12 months under supersion, then I  get the unrestricted license.  :arghh:




    Its a lot of years since my OH done his licence but  I think now Future Skills do the skills assessment that you need for your visa, you should also get your OSTR which will get your a restricted licence.When you are here you then have to apply to the licencing board in whatever state you are in, this is when you need to do gap courses and supervised work to gain your A Grade licence. 


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