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Best place for weather and lack of bush fires


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Is here anywhere in Australia where they don't have bad weather, ie floods, cyclones or bushfires etc? Perth seems OK but then it's very dry and there is the danger of bush fires. Other areas like Melbourne don't seem to have as much sun. I suppose if you want green then you have to have some rain. Queensland seems good, but worried about the floods. Where's the best place to live weatherwise.

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Everywhere is susceptible to bushfires - but not all year round. The danger periods vary from one part of Australia to another. To avoid them completely you just choose to live in the inner areas of large cities - or, at least, away from the bush/urban interface on the edges of cities.

Queensland - depends on how you cope with humid heat. Some people don't very well.


The chart at the bottom of this page compares the largest cities for sunshine hours:



Melbourne's average is 2200 hours per annum: that's still 50% more than the 1457 hours quoted for England here:



Believe me, when the weather is very hot, you'll be praying for the sun to disappear!:yes:

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