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Jobs In Sydney


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Hi, I was just wondering about the jobs in Sydney - do you need prior experience for a job?

I know they'd prefer people with experience, but does all the degrees and school exam results count in a job interview!


My parents always try to scare me by saying "youll never get a job in Sydney unless you study hard" but then reading blogs, people get jobs fairly handy.


So of you went with only a basic qualification (or none) does it really lower you chance of getting a decent job (by decent, I mean bar work, waiter etc.):biggrin:

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You should be ok without loads of qualification to get unskilled work such as waitressing,cleaning,shop work etc , but you may find the higer skilled the job more 'paperwork' is required from you.


Seek.com is a good job sites although lots of smaller companys seem to advertise in local papers rather than the big websites, so maybe check out the classifieds in the local paper of the area your interested in.


Good Luck with everything

Cal x

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