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What CANT you do upon arrival without proof of address?


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OK, picture the scene. You've arrived in Oz and are staying in a hotel for a couple of weeks whilst you find somewhere more permanent. During this time you'll be wanting to:


1) Buy a cheap car

2) Get a local driving license

3) Get cash out from the bank account you opened before moving

4) Apply for lots of jobs

5) Get Medicare cards

6) Get some health insurance

7) Get ambulance cover


So, which of these wont you be able to do due to not having an official place of residence?

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I think maybe just number 4 will be do-able as im sure you couldnt withdraw funds until you had gone into a branch and activated the account. When we 'activated' we had to provide an adress,i would ask the bank you have used as soon as you arrive whats what..


Cal x

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