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Feels like forever


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We are moving to Perth in march 2013 but it feels like such a long time away.


We are not selling our house straight away so are moving in with in laws and going to use the time to save like mad. I just feel like its such an emotional rollercoaster and don't know if I can ride it for the next year.


Has anyone else been through this knowing your going but having to wait? And did the time go quickly??


any words of encouragement would be greatly appreciated.



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We are planning to move to Perth Oct 2012 (not as long to wait though) and although it's not that long, it feels like time is going so slowly. We still have alot to do and are renting out our property as we don't want to sell just yet. We are going to rent privately and have found a family who are interested, they live locally too so hopefully it will work out.


Yes, emotions are all over the place one minute, then very positive the next minute. BUT, this is normal and alot of people go through it. We just know it's the right thing to do and so want to do it for our little boy, who will be 8 soon. For us too as it's an opportunity i don't think we will ever get again. We have to consider our ages, work, our son's age etc etc............


Stick in there and before you know it, you will be tying up all the loose ends and be on your way!!


I think it's fab that you are saving hard whilst moving in with the in-laws, very sensible.


Best of luck with all you do!!:hug:

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