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Women living in Perth

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Hello, my family and I are in the early stages of moving to Perth, and although I am very excited that is probably because I am just thinking about the benefits and positives this move means.


I would love to know how others have found the move, has there been a lot of tears and how easy have you settled.


On reading other threads there appears to be alot of Brits pulling together and supporting each other and assume that where the effort has been put in friendships have been made.


Any thoughts much appreciated.

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Hey Bee :) Although i dont personally live in oz i have family in melbourne and also know other people who have made the move. I think almost everyone finds it hard at first and it can take a while to settle but most people find it worth it. All you can do is do plenty research, try speak to as many people in perth as you can which PIO is great for and once your over there try and go to as many Bbqs and other social events that you can, im sure you'll get invited to loads :wubclub:

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