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New to Melbs


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Hi everyone, thought I'd do a quick post in the intros forum before I start spouting hot air all over your fine forums ;-)


My name's Tom, and I moved to Melbourne (via Sydney and an ill-judged fruit picking experience) in December of last year. I'm a finance manager by trade and have managed to get a couple of good contract roles whilst on the working holiday visa. Really like it here and wanting to stay so saving for the skilled migrant visa and ohopeful of a sponsorship from my current employer to tie me over until then. I love getting out and about, meeting new people and exploring the great outdoors and all the best Australia has to offer. Also in to keeping fit, sport, music the usual stuff. Hoping to share experiences with other poms in Oz, reminisce about home and maybe meet up with some people. Cheers!

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Guest wadeandlou

Tom ill be heading out to melbs next month... Similar interests...also looking to network a bit so let me know how you get on!

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Thanks for the welcome Cal!


Hi wadeandlou, feel free togive me a shout if you have any mebourne questions,otherwise would be happy to meet up for a beer when you touch down, it's an awesome city

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