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De-faco or WHV?


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Hi everyone,


This is my first post after days of looking for the answer to my question, so here goes:


My partner has a business sponsor for the 457 visa and they want her to start in Melbourne ASAP. I not sure of all my options for getting out there, but I know I can take a WHV very quickly and easily.


My concern is that it could be difficult to find work on a holiday Visa. I have experience in a fairly specialist industry but noting on the skill shortage list.


Does anyone know if I can apply for the de-facto on my partners 457? Would her company need to sponsor me as well? We are not married but have been living together for 18 months and don’t want to be apart for ages.



Has anyone been in a similar situation? And advice welcomed!



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You need to be included on her visa application. since you've been together for a while, shouldn't be a problem, you'll need to provide evidence that you're a couple (e.g. living at same address, some sort of joint finances, joint insurance, wills, etc)

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