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As dual national Brit/Aussie citizen can i travel to New Zealand on Brit passport

Guest JJA

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Hi everyone,


I am a dual Aussie/Brit citizen and am thinking of taking off to New Zealand next week for 7 days and was wondering if i could travel to and from New Zealand on my brit passport, because i have not got an Australian one. Is this possible?(i have heard that as a dual citizen i will not get back into Australia unless i have an Australian one).



your help would be appreciated.





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As far as I know you if you are a Dual citizen you have to leave and enter a country with the corresponding passport, so if you leave and enter Oz and you are an Ozzie citizen you have to use a Ozzie passport and the same with the UK, as a Dual citizen you cannot get "protection" in a country that you are a citizen of. Also if you are now a Ozzie Citizen I take it that your Visa in you UK passport will have been cancelled so when you come back they will not let you in, as you do not have a Visa. TBH if I were you I would get the Ozzie passport, its not worth the risk.

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