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Emigrating to Melbourne without a job

Mike D

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I would be very interested to hear from anyone that has emigrated to Melbourne without a job in the last 6-12 months and has picked up work quickly (or has had real trouble finding IT/office work).


I have PR and am planning to emigrate from the UK to Melbourne this year with just $30k start up costs and no job, so I need to set myself up quickly and find any IT/office work for $50k+ asap. My IT skills are no longer in demand (i got my PR in 2008 but have had to pay off uni debts and save since) and I have been on Seek and Career One etc but i am keen to hear of peoples actually experiences finding IT/office work on arrival please - good or bad. Many thanks for your time.

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Guest The Pom Queen

Hi Mike, if you are single and willing to do anything IT related then you should be fine. However, don't expect to walk in to a job, it could take a few weeks to a few months.

Personally I would start applying for jobs now and if you get an interview then get the next flight over.

Good luck


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Many thanks Kate.


Yes, i'm 36 and single with only 18 months left on my PR but its an all or nothing move as i currently have a good job in the UK (so unable to just jump on a plane unfortunately - i either leave work and go for it or stay).


I've worked towards my dream of emigrating to Melbourne for 12 years now (and been back for a month in both 2011 and 2009) but the last 2-3 years have gone terribly with the increased aussie dollar reducing the exchange rate on my savings, my IT skills no longer in demand and the job market news seems to keep getting worse. I am very happy to do any office type job, helpdesk, admin, credit control etc but I'm getting very worried as i'll only have $30k to spend before i'm back to the uk without any money, job or home if i take the jump... seemed easy 3-4 years ago when conditions in Oz were better but a huge risky life decision now.


I am increasingly reading more on PIO that not being australian or having aussie work experience or aussie qualifications is a massive disadvantage with hiring now as well.


Will stay positive and try not to read too much into the fact that no-one else has replied to this post with successful experiences. :S

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Hey there


We arrived in Melbourne 5 weeks ago so have a pretty up to date take on things. We are both 31 so a good age for employment opportunities and both have good solid work experience and educational background. I wouldn't worry too much about the in demand jobs as I don't think some of the jobs they say are in demand actually are. You only have to look at the Seek website to know how much work is or isn't available.



Firstly, it takes longer over here. You can't just walk into an agency and get work...I tried and they said send us your cv. It's took 4-5 weeks for two of them to get back to me...both presumed I was a traveller even though I make a point of stating I have PR in my CV and in the covering letter. I now have a few days work mid March and hopefully more will come pouring in.



I would check out OZ CV's on google as they differ quite a lot, they are more in depth and instead of a list of what you did it's more about key responsibilities and key achievements. This means the CV can be 4-5 pages instead of the Uk 2. I wouls touch base with a few agencies before you land to try and set a meeting up. I can give you the ones I found helpful if you like, just drop me a pm. I'm not sure how far you would get without an Aussie mobile for contact but it's worth a try.



You can't say for sure how it will go but as others have said it can take months...there are people in this resort who haven't got work after 8-12 months. Everyone is different of course but you need to consider whether you are happy to spend your pound while waiting to secure a job. For example, our short term accomm is costing us $550 per week...that's scandalous when you are paying with your pound and not in dollars you have earned. We think it will take at least 12 months to claw back what we have put in so far...probably more like 18 months. But then hopefully it will be worth it as it's a great city.



I haven't had any luck so far with applying direct to employers ...about 50 applications so far I would say. Some were a long shot but there are about 10 where I would say I met the criteria 100% and am starting to think some see my experience is UK based and think i'm on a working holiday. But with temp work to keep me going, I don't mind waiting for the right job now.



Lastly, is there any way you can sit Excel and Word tests before you come out? This would speed up the process if finding work with agencies as mine said if I had done any in the UK I could mail them my results.



Good luck with what you decide and message me if you need any help with anything :)

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Guest sunnysideup

Hey Mike (OP), there are other ways to look at your dilemma. I can possibly help you out with your employment problem and will message you some info.

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I guess it might be a little harder down here finding a job as a foreigner than, say, in London. However, that's just my personal experience (though I am not in IT), but I know from others who found it hard too.


Have you considered working in the advisory (consulting) business? Ernst&Young in Melbs or example? They are looking for people all the time and even better that you have IT background. But of course, that business is not for everyone.


I don't think SEEK is such a good place for GETTING a job even though they have lots of vacancies listed! I don't actually trust that platform very much to be honest. I have applied many a time via SEEK and hardly ever got anything back - not even rejections.


I would think that the most important factor in finding work in Melbs (at least) as a foreigner (and maybe even as an Australien?) is having the right connections. It's a shame but that's how it is quite often in certain areas of employment.


I got lucky and met some people who knew someone who knew someone. You know how that works....... And still, even after 10 months Down Under I have not found a proper job yet, only casual work. But better than nothing I think.




Wishing you the best of luck!!!

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