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Need to rehome our beautiful Border Collie :'(


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When we first started this process 5 years ago there was absolutely no question of leaving our pets behind but sadly things have changed and it looks like we will have to find a loving home for our beautiful sable and white Border Collie Arwen :animal-dog:


She has always been a very nervous dog and would be absolutely devastated and terrified to be put in a box and then onto a plane we just can't do it to her.


When we got her 8 years ago she was about 6 weeks old and was advertised on the internet and the 'kind gentleman' offered to meet us halfway between our home in Leeds and his in Wales. At that time we didn't really know about puppy farms and thought he was just being kind so we agreed to meet him in a car park. When we got there we waited for a while and a transit van pulled up and loads of people started getting out of their cars, walking over to the van and then walking back to their cars with little Border Collie puppies :err:


It quickly dawned on us what was happening and not wanting to let our little puppy down we also went over to the van and met our little puppy Arwen absolutely covered in poo, scooped her up and took her on another long journey home with us.


Since having her she has been scared of water, leaves, snow, rain, lightening, plastic bags, loud noises, fireworks infact anything and everything! She is such a beautiful, intelligent funny dog but to look at her sometimes you would think she came from a home where she gets beaten every day, she is so scared of everything. She loves her 'brother' Ozzie who lives with us at the moment but is going back to live with our daughter when we go who only lives in a small flat. She is terrified of our cat Thomas but I don't blame her as he is a bit feisty!


I don't want to advertise her on Preloved or any site like that because I want her to go to someone who will keep her and love her for the rest of her life and not be rehomed over and over again. I've looked at a couple of border collie rescue sites but apparantly they are one of the hardest dogs to rehome. My sister in France was going to have her but has since got 5 dogs of her own and hasn't got room for one more :cry:. I just don't know what to do :sad: Any suggestions?




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Hi Dianne,


I've got two crazy labradors so I'm not sure she'd like it in my house but I just wanted to say I'm sure you'll find somewhere for her - don't be sad xx


There are lots of animal lovers out there and I'd suggest, if all else fails, you could try getting in touch with your local weekly newspaper and seeing if they'd put a piece in there about her. I used to be a journalist and it's the sort of thing we may have covered at the time - you also get a lot of elderly people reading the free papers who usually have a bit of spare income (that's why advertisers are prepared to pay for advertising in them) so she might end up with a nice retired couple with a bit of spare cash :o)


Also - try speaking to your vets and putting something up in there or your local dog training class to see if they could spread the word about a bit. That way you might even be able to re-home her near where you live at the moment so she would still be in a familiar area to her.


I know it's an awful thing to go through but you'll find someone who she'll click with and you'll know they're right and they'll love her as much as you do - and you get to live in Oz too x

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There are many smaller rescues who will help you rehome her. They will either rehome direct from you do you can meet potential new owners, do your own home checks etc and let your dog get to know them over time. Or you can sign her over to them and they will put her in foster till a suitable home is found.


Please please don't advertise her privately anywhere. Be it in the paper, online or anywhere. You get some dodgy people who go to great lengths to get dogs via these places. And often they end up as breeding bitches if unspayed or worse as bait dogs. I've known this happen to a number of dogs now sadly :(


Run down all your local rescues. Many are not run from kennels and rely in a team of fosterers and helpers in the community.


Sadly collies are hard to rehome but it is possible. You need to decide what sort of potential home you would like to see her in and go from there.


Drop me a pm if you want done help navigating the world of dog rescues and rejoining. I volunteer for 2 rescues and am a foster mum for many doglets while they await their forever homes. I'll do my best to help and support you in it all.

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Agree with Snifter; there is a specific border collie rehoming society in the UK; we got one of ours from them (they were called Blue Ribbon, or something similar from memory). They'll visit potential new families and vet them for you, then do a couple of follow up visits to make sure your doggie's new home is suitable

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Hi dianne


Feel you pain!! We are having to rehome our 2 little dogs and it's the most heart breaking thing in the world!! We just cant afford to bring them now with the new rabies regulations :-(( we would have to leave them in our usual boarding kennels for 5 months before shipping them over!! We looked into it last year and it was affordable with just the 30 days. Now we are looking at 12k euro to board them, all the vet fees, ship them and quarantine!! one of ours is very nervous and i cant help feeling he wouldn't cope with 5 months in kennels then flown over to oz and quarantine. You cant help but feel in that time they could have a new home and settled in by then!!


Its just so hard as you don't know what will become of them and their quirks :-(( contact border collie rescue as they will have experienced owners looking for a new family member. Also check that the re-homers will take her back should the new owners change their mind. At least then you know she will have another shot at finding the perfect family.


I really feel for you.... I hope you find her a lovely new home. Let me know how you get on.



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