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We had a validation trip to Adelaide last April / May and decided it wasn't for us so are now hoping to go to Melbourne (or anywhere Electrician hubby can get a job).


I gave up work at Christmas so I can concentrate getting the house ready for selling and not doing too bad even though I say so myself.


Hubby is absolutely gutted about the current exchange rate as he always said that if it falls below 1.60 we can't afford to go so am a bit worried about that :o (it was 2.65 when we first started this process) :o


When we started on this long process our youngest was 10, and oldest was 17.

Now our youngest is 15 on Friday and luckily is still happy to go, our oldest is nearly 23 and wanted to go more than any of us but now is settled with her boyfriend and doesn't want to leave him. Our middle child is 19 going on 20 and is at university and is 50 / 50 on whether he wants to go or not. The animals are older now and Thomas the cat (13) won't be coming with us and with things being as they are at the moment we can't really afford to take the dogs so will have to try and rehome them :'(


Getting a bit annoyed with hubby cos he won't commit to anything until the house is at least on the market i.e. where to live / find a job etc and then there's all the conflicting advice about getting an electrical licence . :arghh:


So no idea which part of Australia we will end up in but hopefully it will be in the next 6 months :D

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I think it didn't help Rachael because it was cold. We were in a nice house but so far away from everything and (this is only my opinion) it seemed to be a lovely place for families with small children but ours are 15 and 19 and it just didn't feel right.

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