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Rabies Jab


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Hi tulip....


Do you realise the 180 days is from the rabies test and not from the vaccination date. They reccomend leaving at least 30 days between vaccination and test. If you are hoping to be in oz in 6 months then get her vaccination now :-))


The new regulations are a pain!! we started looking into it last year when there was no rabies vaccinations required. I was happy with the 30 days quarantine. I went on to get quotes and print off information in january and couldn't believe they had changed it all :-((


Good luck with your application.

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I'd get the jab now - it's one less thing to think about, plus it's definitely worth starting to ring around for prices sooner rather than later.

At least that way you'll have a shortlist before you get started. (And they'll advise you on the best process too usually!)

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I'm not sure about getting it now; I think I wasn't perhaps clear enough, we aren't actually lodging until August and that's if we're lucky, it may be more like January next year. I'm thinking we get the jab in September so that we're safe. She usually has her jabs in January, so no lepto jab then, and then we test when we lodge in January? Is that right?


It's so confusing; I can usually get my head around everything but this has me dizzy!

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I'm Confused too! We're planning on getting to Melbourne (hoping) in around 18 months or sooner if my OH can get a sponsor. Should we get the jab now? how long does it last? I don't want my littel guy being in quarantine a day longer then needs be! :(

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If you're not sure when you're coming over then I'd get it done now just in case he gets an offer next week :)


I've had a look at the AQIS site (Satch came out before it changed so i haven't looked in detail recently), and from what i understand (anyone please correct me if i'm wrong!!)....


1. Puppy has to have had a Rabies vaccine within 12 months prior to export (so if they were jabbed next week, they could be exported up to the end of January 2013)

2. Puppy has to have had a Rabies blood test between 60days and 12 months prior to export.

3. Puppy can be released from quarantine no earlier than 180days after the blood test.


So, if puppy has a vaccine tomorrow (for example) 26/1/12, and has a positive rabies blood test on 26/2/12.

The latest (I think) date puppy could fly out to Oz without another rabies jab is 25/2/13, escaping quarantine 30 days after this.

The earliest (I think) date puppy could fly out to Oz and only have 30 days in quarantine is about 25/7/12


I might be out by a few days here or there - but I think that's about right.


Hope this helps :)

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