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My 5 year old & Trumpet (TY Beanies)


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Hi It's me again


I Know on my post about my 5 year old and her teddy dilema i read no beans does this include the famous TY beanies as she really wants to bring Trumpet who is guess what a TY beanie.


Thank you again for all you help & guidence



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As far as I know, TY are made from modern, synthetic 'beans' made of plastic rather than actual beans of the nuts/berries/beans variety iyswim, so they would be fine - look on the label it should say 'filling:synthetic'. If you're still in doubt, buy a cheap one on ebay and cut it open, or just email TY to get what they say they are made of exactly, but tbh I wouldn't bother - a modern toy manufacturer would make them out of plastic due to the slew of issues, cost being the least, of making them with natural products.


Basically, TY beanies are fine.

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