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Should I go for a 175 or Sponsored Visa? No rush but want to get there eventually!


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Hi Forum,


Thought I'd ask the great and good....!:tongue:


My partner and I are in no rush to move to Oz, Currently got jobs and some security here, so will take our time.


However, If I apply for a 175 so I'm not tied to a particular state (NSW doesn't have me on the short list anyway!) Will i end up sitting in the queue until I'm old and grey?


If not, what would be the best visa to get me (currently having vetassess done) my partner and the midget to Australia in a couple of years or so's time?


I realise that most who make the decision are champing at the bit to get away for various reasons, anyone else just want to give it a go because they'd regret not trying on the offchance they'd have a better life? Anyone else not in a 'rush'?!?!?! :)






Thanks all!



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We've applied on a 175 (me + wife + 2 kids + 2 dogs) as it gives us the flexibility to live anywhere in Oz. we were told 18 months but having looked at this and other threads it seems to be taking nearer 12 (although that could change!). Sponsored visas are higher priority and are therefore generally granted quicker so it really depends on how quickly you want to do it.


We'd been thinking about it for some time before applying and originally were going to just do it without ever having visited (mad?!). Anyway we decided we couldn't move halfway round the world without going first so we did a reccie/holiday in October last year and loved it! We applied in July last year so we could get in the queue. We also took the view that we didn't want to be sat in the UK in 5-10 years wishing we'd given it a try. Who knows what the future holds but you only have one shot at life so we're going to give it a go and see what happens. Worst case scenario is we go for a couple of years and come home. Yes it would be an expensive exercise but it could be the best thing we ever did...


Amyway, hope that helps and good luck in your journey.

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Don't forget that the rules for applying change on the 1st July. From that point you won't be able to apply directly, but lodge an expression of interest, then wait in limbo for DIAC to invite you to apply. Try and get your application in before then if you can... If your job's on Schedule 1 of the SOL, then I'd go for the 175 visa - it might take slightly longer to be granted, but you're free to go anywhere...






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Thanks for this post. I have the same question. I was going for the sponsership for the extra 5 points, but it would only push it up to 70. As long as you have 65 does it make any difference if you have more? Sounds like a 175 might be a better visa as we are in no rush either.

We are just at the start of the planning...



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