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Help in finding the right visa?!


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We need some help on finding the right visa to move to Australia (Sydney) So far we have tried the remaining relative as Hubby's Parents live there but because I have family still in UK no such luck!! This Visa would be for Myself, Husband and 3yr old Son! I have just been turned down for a Sponsorship in my line of work (healthcare assistant) because Of not enough experience!! 3 yr s as requested! Hubby is Royal Navy fleet air arm, but made redundant last September, so we are working on a time frame for asap! Tried the RAN for his line of work over in Oz but again no such luck keep getting a no!! We are now running out of ideas and can feel this dream slipping away quickly. Open to suggestions or any info you can help us with!! Please:cute:!!




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Hi, as you have already tried several routes without success - I would consider talking to a MARA registered migration agent for advice. Go Matilda, Ian Harrop and Westly Russell arms the names that always come up again and again in a positive light. Personally, I used and would not hestitate to recommend Go Matilda.

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Out of interest how much are the fees etc?? Did you use them personally?
I personally used Go Matilda! for my defacto partner visa. (mainly because of their reputation on this site and because their MD - Alan Collett - posts so often here , making him very accessible). At the time the fees for their service, were roughly the same as the visa applicaton fee.


Initially, I made contact through their website and later spoke to one of their migration consultants for free. They were happy to spell out what my visa options were and what their fees to handle the application would be. It was then left for me to decide whether or not to use them - I didn't feel pressured either way. If I remember correctly, you pay half of their fee upfront and the other half when they are ready to submit the application.


Apologies, if I sound like an advert for them - I really couldn't fault the service and peace of mind they gave me.

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We need some help on finding the right visa to move to Australia (Sydney) So far we have tried the remaining relative as Hubby's Parents live there but because I have family still in UK no such luck!! This Visa would be for Myself, Husband and 3yr old Son! I have just been turned down for a Sponsorship in my line of work (healthcare assistant) because Of not enough experience!! 3 yr s as requested! Hubby is Royal Navy fleet air arm, but made redundant last September, so we are working on a time frame for asap! Tried the RAN for his line of work over in Oz but again no such luck keep getting a no!! We are now running out of ideas and can feel this dream slipping away quickly. Open to suggestions or any info you can help us with!! Please:cute:!!





All the registered migration agents who post on this forum are OK.


None of them will run a case that does not have at least reasonable prospects of success (except for technical reasons) with which I shall not burden you.


Under recent changes to clause 2.7 of the Migration Agents Code of Conduct a registered migration agent is required to do the following:


2.7 A registered migration agent who is asked by a client to give his or her opinion

about the probability of a successful outcome for the client’s application:

(a) must give the advice, in writing, within a reasonable time; and

(b) may also give the advice orally to the extent that the oral advice is the same

as the written advice; and

© must not hold out unsubstantiated or unjustified prospects of success when

advising clients (orally or in writing) on applications under the Migration Act or

Migration Regulations.


The legal term for this is - a load of hot cock.


There is a probability of being refused a visa after you have been in limbo for years, because a minister decides you had not applied after all, or refused due to a bungle by a ministerial delegate.


I have had several clients told by the minister that they had not lodged an application, and they are all here after further applications.


I have had several clients who were refused due to DIAC bungles and they are all here after merits review applications, except one Who did not proceed further.


Consider yourself lucky that you were unable to lodge a remaining relative visa. The minister is taking a thousand years to process them.



May I suggest you consult a registered migration agent (not me) and ask for an assessment of your visa prospects? You should insist that the agent/s comply fully with the requirements of clause 2.7.


If you do not want to wade through a ten-page dissertation on statistical inference, you could try an unregistered agent. The minister encourages them, even to the extent of providing free continuing professional development courses for them. This could be a little less expensive, since unregistered agents do not have to pay: Annual Registration Fees (obviously) mandatory - Professional Indemnity Insurance, Professional Library, Separate (audited) Client Account and so on.


From what you have posted, looks as if your case might not be entirely straightforward and you might have to be prepared to budget a professional fee for a detailed written assessment.


Have fun.

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