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IELTs 21 January...


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hie everyone

Is there anyone sitting the exam on the 21st of Jan?? its my first time to be writing this exam and was just wondering on the Listening module whether candidates can reply the audiotape or it only plays on once? and if there are any tips from those who have written the exam. Your help is much appreciated.

Thank you

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Hi Barbie,


You only get to hear the tape once, there's no replays.


There are a couple of good books around, do a search on the threads, there's plenty of posts. There's loads of videos on YouTube as well


The only advice I can give is practice, practice, practice as its the format that will most likely catch you out rather than your knowledge of English.


Good luck

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Hi Barbie,You only get to hear the tape once, there's no replays.There are a couple of good books around, do a search on the threads, there's plenty of posts. There's loads of videos on YouTube as wellThe only advice I can give is practice, practice, practice as its the format that will most likely catch you out rather than your knowledge of English.Good luck
Thank You for the advice. i just feel like am missing something thats all. I guess its the format i have to get used to.Will continue to practice and will also check out youtube as i have not done that yet..
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