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Tax on temporary visa


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I am currently on temporary Contributory Parent Visa in the last stages of converting to a permanent visa. I just started a job this week and was told that the fact I was on a temporary visa would have implications on the amount of tax deducted. I am not sure what this means. Can anyone clarify please?

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Whoever told you that is clearly not a tax advisor ...


Temporary resident for visa purposes does not necessarily mean non resident for tax purposes.


In fact most who are living and working in Australia on long term temporary residency visas are tax residents of Australia.


=> When you complete the Tax File Number Declaration form for your new employer I would be ticking the box saying you are a tax resident of Australia.


As an aside, remember that when you are granted a permanent residency visa the tax position in respect of any overseas source income - eg pension income - will change. UK source pension income is presently wholly taxable in the UK (while you are a temporary visaholder). Once you are granted the subclass 143 visa UK pension income is WHOLLY taxable in Australia => there is a form to be completed to ensure your UK pension income is properly taxed.


In case of need: http://www.gmtax.com.au/faqs/


Best regards.

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