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How long does it take to get your Ozzie nursing reg?


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Hiya Everyone. I was wondering how long everyone waited. I sent my 1st application in May which was never received.....so I sent another which was received in July. I am still waiting! I have a job waiting and I was meant to start a few weeks ago, AHPRA have a copy of the job offer letter. They've advised my application is with the priority team and it's been escalated. I've been promised it will all be sorted by mid Jan but I've been fobbed off that many times, I don't believe them. I've rung AHPRA most weeks and I've also been into the Sydney office a few times...which hasn't made much of a difference.


I'm so stressed as I can't apply for my visa until I have my nursing reg, I am currently staying with my mum who lives over here with my stepdad. I am currently just on a holiday visa which runs out at the end of Jan. I had to come over as my mum has been ill.


On a positive note it's my 1st time off over Christmas AND New Year. :laugh: Merry Christmas everyone.


Emma xxx

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Guest stezza79


I applied (from England) in December and it arrived the following March. I would keeping phoning/emailing to find out what is taking so long!

Good Luck :-)

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Guest rachie27

My application was received 4/10/11 as i had a job i was prioritised after lots of stress and them constantly requesting further information my Reg was granted 22/12/11. mine was fast but i was constantly emailing. i believe i emailed my case worker every week she must have been getting very annoyed ha ha. just keep pestering them or they will be very slow

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Guest lynn leisk

Hi I got job offer 5/8/11, on a 457 visa, started registration process and my part of visa application. AHPRA requested more info 6/10/11, registration in principle 28/10/11, visa granted 30/10/11, fly to Brisbane 5/1/12. I never used an agent, didnt do an english test, never rang/emailed AHPRA/visa dept. Phew how lucky have I been!!!!! Good Luck

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Guest tandcmum

mine was also pretty quick via the brisbane office, i applied in JUne and got my inprinciple letter about 6 weeks later, just hoping my visa is as quick and simple

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Guest mandajay

Im 6 months in with Melbourne and my case worker seems to be quite wet!

I am going to commence operation Eligibility today!

This will include Thrice weekly e-mails, followed up by phone calls until someone deems me fit to register!

I hope she has a good stock of paracetamol!

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We had the same nonsense from these idiots, but then we got it sorted in 2 weeks!

Find out who your Mum's local Federal MP is and go and see them.

Write a detailed letter giving a timeline of when you first applied, who you have spoken to etc, details of who you have seen, dates and times etc.

Go and see him or her, make an appointment, do not take no for an answer, when you see them if its a man - "cry" and do not leave until he has said he will phone the minister for health.

If its a woman MP be logical and explain it terms of costs to you and Australia.

We were getting no where until the MP made a few calls and then it all happened on the 28th of DEc when they were supposedly shut for the holidays!


This is what the local Aussies do if they have a problem - the Federal MP carries some weight and can put pressure on - it certainly worked in our case after 12 months of pratting about with these idiots and a quick kick up the bum did the job!


Good luck and take your Mum with you and explain how you need to be there to look after her etc.

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