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IT 1st Line Support wanted


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Hi Everyone,


Does anyone know where and how best to get into an IT 1st line support job? I'm hoping for a career change into IT and currently studying for my Cisco CCNA, but still getting told by recruitment agencies and companies directly that no-one will even look at me till i get permanent residency which will be about 2 years away still. They are also saying i need minimum 1-2 years experience in a similar job even for an Entry level role, but how am i to get this when no one will give me a chance. I don't understand how for a so called entry level role i still require the 1-2 years experience. I have offered to work for free on a work experience basis to get the experience, but still no takers, so starting to get quite worried for both counts. All i need is a chance...

Thanks everyone


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Get some MCP Qualifications in Windows admin, MS Office ect... easy and cheap. Get some experience as a Technician, resellers are great for this.

Then, as soon as you can work towards 2nd line support by doing MCSE or CCNA and hopefully the company you work for will fund it and support you through it - they're pretty tuff!

I re trained aged 28 by doing a year long Diploma as a Technician which impressed my first employer enough to give me a job, although the IT market is way more competative 13 years later!

Good luck.

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Thanks Steve.


I am actually enrolled in the Cisco Networking Academy to complete my CCNA. The course starts in January and 'm doing it at weekends. Not cheap, but need to get started! After that i want to get some MCP's.

I've been trying to get positions as a technician or any other basic role to get some hands on experience, but without already having some, no one is willing to touch me, that's including resellers. Like i said, even for what they consider entry level roles, without the 12 months minimum experience, no one will talk to me and i'm not going to lie about what experience i do have.

Maybe the market is just too hard at the moment?

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It is a tuff market, I was out of work nearly a year after being made redundant even with 13 Years experience, MCSA, MCP's, Dip, Wide range of skills. In fact that's why we're off to Oz, been offered a job there!

My honest suggestion would be try smaller firms, Computer shops ect.. don't write a letter, Walk in and see the manager or MD. The reason this might work is because most people are too lazy to bother, it's easier to apply via job boards, social networking and email.... and an employer wants to see someone with get up and go!

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