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Health care in oz


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Hi Guys,

Just a quick question about the health care systems in oz. me and my hubby have been trying for a baby for a while with no luck but was just wondering if at some point i did become pregnant while living over in melbourne what are costs/ procedures over there for English imigrants?

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Guest maxxangel

If you haven't already found an a more suitable answer to your question, I wondered if this might help: Pregnancy week by week - pregnancy calendar - pregnancy stages trimesters - parenting websites - mum dad baby maternity - Birthnet Australia You have to scroll down a bit to the part that tells you about medicare and expenses. I would assume that if you qualify for medicare then things should be the same whether you are a migrant or not.


Hope this helps, and sorry you haven't had a reply sooner.




PS: The Medicare site may be of some use as well: Welcome to Medicare Australia

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Guest maxxangel
Are migrants eligiable for any govenment child benefits in oz?


Bonnie and Clyde


I have the feeling that permanent residents are, but not sure about those on temporary visas. I'm sure this topic has come up before though, so hopefully someone here knows.



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