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Airline Food Costs

Guest The Pom Queen

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Guest The Pom Queen

Airline Food Costs can cost you more than your flight ticket in some instances.

A simple sandwich, beer and chips combo will set you back around $20 on Virgin, Jetstar and Tiger Airways, which probably doesn’t sound so bad until you hear the flight itself only cost you $15


Free airline food has long since gone the way of the dodo on low cost carriers and most budget travellers are happy to forfeit it for the sake of a great deal.







To avoid astronomical airline food costs here are a few simple steps to help you ease your hunger pangs without breaking the bank:


1. Pack an empty water bottle in your luggage and fill it after you pass through security checks;


2. Steer clear of the sauv blanc - alcohol is always pricey up in the air and because it dehydrates you it’s not great while you’re flying anyway;


3. Buy some fruits before you leave, they’re a good way to combat dehydration. Just make sure you chuck them before passing through customs if you’re on an international flight;


4. Pre-prepare some sandwiches that won’t perish. Peanut butter seems to be the consensus - it doesn’t stink, fills you up and won’t wilt or go soggy;


5. It seems obvious but eat before you fly. It’s always a mad rush to the airport, but if you plan your time well and sit down for a solid meal before you leave you’ll be less inclined to cave in to expensive cravings mid-flight





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