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Cellulitis and Medicals


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I am absolutely livid I contracted Cellulitis in my lower leg last Monday, supposedly from a mozzie bite? that I got in Italy a few weeks ago. I have traveled all around Sub Saharan Africa and never got any thing like this before, so why of all places Italy. I have had a terrible week so far I had an unbelievable fever and have been quite delirious at points (hence no PIO). I'm glad to say that I seem to be on the mend, thanks to an excellent Kiwi Doctor and some serious Antibiotics. The problem is that I have my medicals on Monday scarcely, 4 days time and I can still not put any pressure on my leg, so no walking is possible. Does any one think that this might be a problem if I take the medical? and what about Antibiotics on the medical.


For those who do not know what Cellulitis is check http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cellulitis The bloke in the main pic got off lightly, mine is much worse:')

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Sorry to hear that, hope you get well soon, is there anyway you can reschedule your medical?


Thanks, I've delayed it by a month and a half already I really don't want to annoy my CO any more if I can avoid it.

I would ring the medical centre where you're going to have the medicals and explain the situation, see what they say.

Good advice I will be phoning them ASAP this morning

You can get cellulitis anywhere. I got it in the UK but it clears up very quickly. See what the medical centre say but I doubt it will affect your medical. Just be thankful it wasn't malaria or one of the nasty infections mozzies carry here like Ross River or Dengue fever.
Thanks Cellulitis is bad enough:biggrin:
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  • 2 weeks later...

The medicals seemed to go OK! With a smile the Doctor basically dumped the forms in the wastepaper basket that I had filled in, and then just asked us questions. Which was great, I had declared things in the paperwork that he never asked me about, so of course never went into my medical. He also ignored the letter from my sons paediatrician about my son's heart murmur/hole in the heart. He did ask me about the Cellulitis and what I was taking for it, it seemed more out of concern then for the medical and advised me to see my doctor the next day. He asked me why I had a tracheotomy which I told him it was for surgery, but did not query the scars on my jaw which I found strange. The radiologist did query abnormalities in my shoulder which I explained to her that they were fragments of a bullet that could not be removed as it is sitting under a nerve.


I saw my doctor the next day and he doubled the dose of antibiotics and gave me a prescription for a further 2 weeks and it is nearly back to normal now.


A week after the medicals I checked the DIAC website and found that the wife and kids medicals had been finalized but my medical and HIV test had been referred. Needless to say I wet myself.:biglaugh: Now I haven't been a naughty boy at all but have had a blood transfusion so worst case scenarios start forming in your head. In the end it was all a hoo-hah about nothing and 2 days later my medicals were marked up as finalized.

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