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brachycephalic dogs


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Has anyone had any experience of flying out dogs with squashed faces..or brachycephalic breeds to be precise. In particular what airline allows them to fly.. (ie. boxers, pugs, lhasa apso etc..) I have two Boston terriers to take out to either sydney or perth, not yet decided.

or in desparation...has anyone ever shipped out dogs via boat...experiences good or bad. Info please....(but not on the blood tests etc..as I have that info already)

many thanks.



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You might want to phone around to a couple of pet shippers. I'm sure they will be able to give you the advice that you need.


I may be wrong here, but I'm sure I read a few months ago that NO airlines would now fly snub nosed dogs, due to the health risks attatched to these particular breeds.


Hope it all works out for you and your Bostons


Debs x x

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