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Cat Legislation


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We are moving to Perth early next year and we shall be taking a cat with us. I have been doing some reading around and see that there are a number of different policies and rules regarding having cats depending on what area you live.


I am all for compulsary nuetering and microchipping, but the more I read the more worried I get. Even if i keep my cat in at night, I cant stop him wondering through gardens in the day and a lot of the policies say you need to keep your cat on your premises at all times.


I would be really keen to see what other peoples experiences of having a cat in Oz, specifically Perth, is like - are people not very cat friendly?? I have read that cats can be seized in public areas - it might seem like a daft question, but what if your cat is out the front on the pavement?!?!? and although our cat wears a collar, he sometimes loses them and so isnt always identifiable as owned!


I cant bear the thought of not taking him with us, but I am really scared that he wont have a good quality of life in Oz if we have to keep him indoors as he loves to be outside!


Any advice, experiences really appreciated! :unsure:

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Guest The Pom Queen

As you have already read the councils all have their own laws, some will allow the cat out Dawn till Dusk, others they have to be confined to your property 24/7. You do see the odd cat out roaming but obviously they are at risk of being picked up and taken to the local pound. In regards to the collar you just say the cat was last wearing it when you last saw them, cats collars come off quite regularly as long as they are microchipped and registered you won't be fined any extra.

You could look at cat proofing your garden for during the day.

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As you can see from this cats are a hot topic here in WA if not the whole of Australia. They did pass this proposal.





It appears to me that if you buy a kitten here or adopt from one of the shelters then the animal will be used to this way of life ie happy enough to remain within boundaries. Of course there are also many "house cats" in the UK but on the whole this is not how we manage our pets in the UK. We took the difficult decision to leave our two cats with family as they had always been free to roam and we felt that such restrictions would be unfair on them. We also decided not to get a new cat here as tbh cats are NOT native to Australia and cause much damage to native fauna. Bit like the red vs grey squirrel I spose!

We've now been in Perth for four months and in that time I have seen ONE cat.


Good luck with a difficult decision :wubclub:

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