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Vetassess - Practical test

Guest Tom the Pom

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Guest Tom the Pom

Has anyone done one yet?


I am looking at doing a Vetassess test - on top of my TRA pass so I can start work straight away when I arrive in Oz.


I just want to know what is involved - especially the practical side of it.

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Guest Tom the Pom
what trade are you applying as?


Sparky - I've been doing it for 19 years now (since I left school).

I'm still p!ssed off I have to re-qualify:sad:

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I'm glad you posted this one TOM! My oh who is plumbing at present is also considering the vetassess route. Be interested to find out the process.


We have just sent off for the ielts test.

Also sent off for migration consultation app in Manchester.

If we find anything out, we will defo post info on this site.



Adele + famil xx

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Guest jimmyybob

I too need to know but i don't think anyone will find out until after December when the first round of tests are over.

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  • 3 weeks later...
Guest kevin/jayne

Hi Tom, I have passed the TRA for a sparky but don't know if I can do the skills test over here or whether I have to wait till I get to Aus. If you find out any info would be really useful as everyone seems to have a different opinion. Cheers Kev.

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Guest Tom the Pom
Hi Tom, I have passed the TRA for a sparky but don't know if I can do the skills test over here or whether I have to wait till I get to Aus. If you find out any info would be really useful as everyone seems to have a different opinion. Cheers Kev.


I'm in the same boat as you - I'll keep my ear to the ground and post any findings

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Went to my app in Manchester yesterday. I didn't find out anymore than I already knew, except 4000 ozy dollers if we want to app migration agent. Last night did find out that the vetassess practicals are going to be every 2 months- Dec start. Hope this helps!

Adele x

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Hi Tom and everyone, my hubby had TRA returned due to pathway D and we have sent our Vetassess application off. The practical is in December so will have to wait if we pass the first half yet, but if and when he does the practical we will keep everyone updated as to how the process is going. With regards to the TRA, I still think (not positive) that the practical is applied for one you get to AUS and know that people sometimes find this frustrating. The Vetassess is different in that they come over and assess here, as you know. This then gives a provisional liscence to work in Aus and then when you have work experiencein Aus they issue a full liscence.


The assessements are every two months London/Glasgow, and first one is December 13-21st go look out for posts after that!


It's all quite stressful, and we feel there is not enough clear information about working the otherside in Aus. I am considering contacting a couple of electrical companies/employment agencies to see what the score is once out there.


Tom, the vetasses application does require more than the TRA. We used the TRA application returned to us and had to add to it, so it's quite alot to do it all again! Hope you manage to come to a decision as it must be confusing being early days with the Vetassess and not hearing any feedback yet!


Hope that helps! Bernie :goofy:

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Hi guys,


im a sparky working in Cairns, been here 4 months.

I was under the impression that the new vetass or whatever you call it was the new system that had overtaken the TRA. As of the 1st of September the TRA no longer asses certain trades, electrician been one of them. If you have already got your TRA the next step for you is to get the ARTC done. That is the biggest hurdle. Without that you cannot work. To many people arrive in oz not knowing anything about it. If you fail the ARTC you will not be allowed to work as a electrician.

That new vettas thing as far as i see it is just another thing for them to make money out of peolpe.

Im sure you will still have to do a licence course when you get here as i am doing at the moment. Its not all that bad! Yes it does suck having to do college work again but at the end of the day its a different country and things are done different over here so you have to learn it.

Best piece of advice i can give to any tradesmen is the day you arrive get off your arse get the yellow pages, write down loads of addresses for companys and go see them. Dont ring round, go see them and say you will work a week for nothing as a trial.

I was working the second week we arrived. Its to easy to think your on hol, there is plenty of time for that.



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Guest kevin/jayne

Thanks Stu. Can you tell me how often are the courses run and if there is a big waiting list to get the ARTC? Is it about 18 weeks long and are you working as a sparkies mate in the mean time. Cheers Kev.

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Thanks Stu. Can you tell me how often are the courses run and if there is a big waiting list to get the ARTC? Is it about 18 weeks long and are you working as a sparkies mate in the mean time. Cheers Kev.


Yes im am working as a sparks mate in theory but not in practice. Im on $25 an hour which aint bad without the full licence. There are many ways to gain the licence. I chose to do it via correspondence via a guy at Brisbane Tafe. All i do is fill in a log book, its very very simple and do a regulations course along side. There is an exam at the end of it that has to be done by a licenced spark(my boss) also a written test, also done under the eye of my boss. Its all pretty simple stuff. The testing over here is far far easyer than in the uk. One piece of paper to fill in.

Dont worry just get rung up for the ARTC form. You can do all that from the uk before you come. Takes roughly 4 weeks for them to check it and give you a result.

Got to go, im on me wayout to work. If you need out else give me a shout.



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Hi Stu, I was responding to Tom's original question. The Vetassess does replace TRA but I think TOM THE POM was thinking about doing the Vetassess in addition to TRA in order to get the provisional liscence from TAFE BEFORE entering Australia. The new system by Vetassess as opposed to the original TRA involves TAFE coming to the UK to carry out an individual practical assessment which then on success issue the liscence provisionally BEFORE going to AUS. I think Tom wants to do this as he doesn't wan't the hassle of doing it when getting to AUS and it will allow him to perhaps work straight away under supervision. The new system is, yes, much more expensive, but you are obviously paying for them to come here! But there is a slight advantage over the TRA, at a cost!! Good to hear you got work straight away, as that's always a concern :cute:.



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Hi Stu, I was responding to Tom's original question. The Vetassess does replace TRA but I think TOM THE POM was thinking about doing the Vetassess in addition to TRA in order to get the provisional liscence from TAFE BEFORE entering Australia. The new system by Vetassess as opposed to the original TRA involves TAFE coming to the UK to carry out an individual practical assessment which then on success issue the liscence provisionally BEFORE going to AUS. I think Tom wants to do this as he doesn't wan't the hassle of doing it when getting to AUS and it will allow him to perhaps work straight away under supervision. The new system is, yes, much more expensive, but you are obviously paying for them to come here! But there is a slight advantage over the TRA, at a cost!! Good to hear you got work straight away, as that's always a concern :cute:.



Well all i can say is anyone that has the TRA and wants to do the vetass thing aswell must be mad as they are just throwing money away. Once you have the TRA there is nothing much to do appart from fill in the ARTC form and send it off with everything you sent for the TRA. There is no cost involved. When that is issued all you then have to do is apply for the provisional licence. Thats $55. Seems mad to spend £100s when you can do it for $55 and you will only end up at the same point. The vetass thing wont put you any further down the line, if anything all it would do is put a hole in your pocket and more stress???



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Guest jonseywife

Hi Tom the Pom & Kevin/Jayne

We're in the same boat too..... hubby passed TRA already and I e-mailed VETASSES to see if we could just do the skills test before going to Oz, this was their reply....... it should help clarfiythings for you :



Unfortunately, the assessment process VETASSESS will be providing from September 1 will be a single assessment process - ie, it will not be split into two separate services of a Competency Profile (paper-based assessment) and the Practical Skills Assessment. The explanation and fee structure for the assessment is staggered into three stages to ensure that only applicants who have a chance of passing the practical skills assessment pay that part of the assessment fee - this means that in order to undertake the practical assessment you would have to begin from scratch and complete the Competency Profile first, even though you have already passed your TRA assessment. Practical Skills Assessments are unlikely to be scheduled before January 2008. You will need to weigh up the factors and decide whether the cost and time involved is worth pursuing the VETASSESS assessment, or whether it would be quicker and/or cheaper to pursue another option (licensing course).





Kellie Dowling






Skills Recognition International







level 4, 478 albert street

east melbourne 3002

victoria australia

Tel +61 3 9655 4836

Fax +61 3 9654 2773





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I think if you are lucky enough to have TRA then go with that, like you say it's alot cheaper and I think you are lucky if you got in that way, we weren't and have to fork out alot more money now.

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I think if you are lucky enough to have TRA then go with that, like you say it's alot cheaper and I think you are lucky if you got in that way, we weren't and have to fork out alot more money now.



It is a shame you missed out on the TRA. Do you mind me asking what pathway D is??

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Hi Stu, after posting our TRA the government changed the rules and pathway D was anyone applying for the TRA who was basing their applications on work experience and qualifications. i.e self employed and then after sept 1st (a seperate change) was vetassess taking over and processing applications for electricians, plumbers and carpenters. The only thing was our application was stamped 22nd August before the changes were even announced but it was still sent back to us! It's all a bit complicated but hopes that makes sense, bit hard to explain!!

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Hi Stu, after posting our TRA the government changed the rules and pathway D was anyone applying for the TRA who was basing their applications on work experience and qualifications. i.e self employed and then after sept 1st (a seperate change) was vetassess taking over and processing applications for electricians, plumbers and carpenters. The only thing was our application was stamped 22nd August before the changes were even announced but it was still sent back to us! It's all a bit complicated but hopes that makes sense, bit hard to explain!!



I see, oh well i hope all goes well for you!



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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest englandfamily
Has anyone done one yet?


I am looking at doing a Vetassess test - on top of my TRA pass so I can start work straight away when I arrive in Oz.


I just want to know what is involved - especially the practical side of it.

hi tom

i too am starting out filling forms info VETASSESS with an agent. my job is carpenter/joiner i also live in leeds when i know something i will post it. so far my agent tells me you have to go down this route now as TRA have finished with from 1st september 2007.


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  • 3 weeks later...
Guest stevewestbury

Hi Tom,

Hoping to complete the Vetassess electrical trade test in a couple of months, It would be great if you could let me know what is involved.

I'm am a Maintenance Engineer, just recently passed the Inspection and Testing exam so I'm desperate for info.

Just came back from Oz, 3 week holiday, Perth and Cairns, wow, cannot wait to re-locate.

Any advise appreciated.



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  • 5 weeks later...

Hi just wondering why most electricians are going the long route to get their licence i have a fiance who is australian and have stayed in adelaide for six months and found out you can to a two week coarse through PEER to get your australian wiring regs the 16 week TAFE coarse seems a bit long winded to me. Not sure if this is available in other parts of australia anyway, my route has been TRA, Visa, ARTC, PEER for the wiring regs, then A class licence hope this is of any help spike

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Guest Tom the Pom
Hi just wondering why most electricians are going the long route to get their licence i have a fiance who is australian and have stayed in adelaide for six months and found out you can to a two week coarse through PEER to get your australian wiring regs the 16 week TAFE coarse seems a bit long winded to me. Not sure if this is available in other parts of australia anyway, my route has been TRA, Visa, ARTC, PEER for the wiring regs, then A class licence hope this is of any help spike


Is there a waiting list???

How intensive is the course - it's alot to squeeze in to 2 weeks!!!

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Guest Nigel Williams

hi tom, just joined poms today. i'm a joiner and carpenter and i was the very first person plus another 7 to do the vetassess assessment, and just got my letter back yesterday to say i was successful. Tom if you know your job as i am sure you do, you have no worries, for us , it just took us back to basics makeing a horse roof that sort of thing , all with hand tools, wich suited me dandy. the assessors are there to help and i couldn't fault ours. please reply if want more info or want to ring me . happy to help anyone.

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Hi the peer coarse is every day for two weeks where as the tafe is one day a week for sixteen weeks and they have a high percentage pass rate thanks hope this helps also when i went to go on the coarse originally they didnt have a waiting list but was advised to get my tra first which i now have ill dig out all the info i can find and put a link on later cheers spike

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