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Aussie kibbles?


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Does anyone have a good dog kibble brand they know of in Aus? And how much is say, a 15kg bag over there?


I'm hoping for a high meat value, might feed BARF (raw) diet over there but I'm less inclined to because of the heat, as I usually put the dogs outside to eat their meat, don't want too many flies or other nasty beasties. Usually when I feed BARF they get cheap cuts of meat on the bone, liver, heart, offal, etc., and veggies, other bits and bobs but being that Aus is so different I'm not sure I'll be able to feed it straight away, but we'll see. Here it's quite cheap to feed it compared to feeding kibble, about £20 a month for two small dogs, whereas kibble it's more like £40, being that you can feed a chicken wing and a cup of veggies that end up costing both dogs about 40p a day to feed quite easily. But, you have to travel for the bargains, doing to butchers and having freezer space etc.


Would love to know what you feed over in Aus!

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Guest The Pom Queen

A lot of breeders feed Bonnie or Supercoat both around $45 for a 15kg bag. Personally I am not a fan and prefer raw but if feeding dry I would opt for Eagle http://www.eaglepack.com.au it's around $120 for 15kg but is a good quality dry, better than advance. Royal Canin is also over here. Another one to look at is Vets All Natural http://www.vetsallnatural.com.au

You will find most butchers sell pet meat and you can buy chicken necks etc at Safeways/Woolies for around $3 per pack.

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