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Passport problems

Guest LadyEmma

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Guest LadyEmma

Can anyone suggest another way to get past the red tape associated with getting my British Passport please.

It states I need the co signatory to be of a professional nature ie: Doctor, lawyer, police officer etc, who has personally known me for 2 years +.

I contacted British High Commition about this & they said I could get a Police Officer to sign a stat Dec about the knowing me under 2 years part, but when I took it to the police station the woman police officer refused to sign the stat dec, & then incorrectly filled out the forms & details on the back of the photograph, so again the Passport was refused, costing me yet again more time & money, & having photos taken yet again as they are only valid 1 month.

The Doctor's I see when I need one, all seem to move on, under the 2 years.

I don't know anyone here 2 years that personally, who can vouch for me, even though I have been in Oz 42 years & have 6 children & 13 Grandchildren here.

My 73 y/o Mother wants to return to England & see her family again but the stress about getting our passports is getting to us.

Anyone else have any ideas please?

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how about the teachers of the grandchildren?


Can I clarify that you've applying from scratch for a passport rather than renewing an existing modern (red) passport? If you're just renewing and haven't changed ridiculous amounts from your last passport, then you don't need the form and photos to be countersigned.

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Guest LadyEmma
how about the teachers of the grandchildren?


Can I clarify that you've applying from scratch for a passport rather than renewing an existing modern (red) passport? If you're just renewing and haven't changed ridiculous amounts from your last passport, then you don't need the form and photos to be countersigned.

Thanks for your reply

Applying from scratch, I came out here as a child on my Parents migrant 10 pound pass.

The Grandchildrens Teachers or anyone else has not Personally Known me 2 years.

People I know, are not professional people.

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The professional is only vouching for the fact that the photo is you. Any professional person that first met you two years ago, and you've seen maybe once or twice since then, would be fine, hence my suggestion of teachers etc, since you might have attended a couple of school plays/concerts in the last two years.



The list of people who can sign is fairly extensive, including people such as post office clerks and pub landlords. Where do/did you work? do they not have an accountant or a "director/manager/personnel officer of a VAT-registered company?".


Good luck!

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Guest LadyEmma

Thank you again.

We did try this with a woman co signing who works for the police youth club over 10 years, is a person of good standing in the community & known us both 2 years + but again it was refused.

Thank you for the link, it was very good of you.

I certainly intend to keep trying.

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What about someone from the bank? They may not "know" you but they would know of you surely as you would keep an account with them.


Minister of religion?


Any of your neighbours "professional" people that you have at least had a nodding acquaintance with?

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Guest LadyEmma
What about someone from the bank? They may not "know" you but they would know of you surely as you would keep an account with them.


Minister of religion?


Any of your neighbours "professional" people that you have at least had a nodding acquaintance with?

It has to be someone who has PERSONALLY known me 2 years.

We tried it with a woman who had standing in the community working with Police Youth Club for over 10 years, & this was rejected.

The British High Commition said a Police officer could sign a Stat Dec for knowing us under 2 years, but she refused.

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Guest LadyEmma
Do you have Australian passports? if you're just going for a visit to the UK, why not use those?

I am trying to return to live in my own Country perminantly.

I had an Australian Passport (Expired) which the British Consulate said I could send as Idenification, but Australia Post where you must lodge your British Passport applications refused it.

As my Australian Passport is also expired, I need this same 2 years known me, countersignitory to apply for that again now too.

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It has to be someone who has PERSONALLY known me 2 years.

We tried it with a woman who had standing in the community working with Police Youth Club for over 10 years, & this was rejected.

The British High Commition said a Police officer could sign a Stat Dec for knowing us under 2 years, but she refused.


I'd go back to a different place and ask another police officer. Perhaps call first and discuss and make an appointment to go in. Also get in writing from the BHC that a police officer who has not known you for the usual 2 years is cleared to sign the forms. If you wave that under their noses they can't really refuse.


FWIW in the UK we had similar for our son's first UK passport as we moved twice after he was born and no one had known him or me two years. You can pay solicitor (notary or some such) a small fee and they are allowed to sign. We were also told the local magistrate could sign if under two years.


Mostly people don't want to sign if under two years for fear of a fine. But if there is something on paper to clarify they are allowed then it should be ok.


Look into a local judge being able to do this? (for a fee I'd guess) Ask the BHC if this is acceptable and get it in writing so the person you are asking to sign with less than 2 years is happy to.


Don't read too much into the knowing you personally for 2 years. They only have to have seen you once or twice and know who you are and can sign. A Doctor who you see once a year would be fine (but you say the Docs keep changing). Its not like they have to be friends with you or see you every month or know anything about you. Just they are on the list, have met you a few times and can verify the person applying is really you.

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Guest juliemtaylor

I would go to another Police Station or go to a Notary Public who can get the stat dec signed if a Teacher etc can't do this.


Julie x

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Guest LadyEmma
I'd go back to a different place and ask another police officer. Perhaps call first and discuss and make an appointment to go in. Also get in writing from the BHC that a police officer who has not known you for the usual 2 years is cleared to sign the forms. If you wave that under their noses they can't really refuse.


FWIW in the UK we had similar for our son's first UK passport as we moved twice after he was born and no one had known him or me two years. You can pay solicitor (notary or some such) a small fee and they are allowed to sign. We were also told the local magistrate could sign if under two years.


Mostly people don't want to sign if under two years for fear of a fine. But if there is something on paper to clarify they are allowed then it should be ok.


Look into a local judge being able to do this? (for a fee I'd guess) Ask the BHC if this is acceptable and get it in writing so the person you are asking to sign with less than 2 years is happy to.


Don't read too much into the knowing you personally for 2 years. They only have to have seen you once or twice and know who you are and can sign. A Doctor who you see once a year would be fine (but you say the Docs keep changing). Its not like they have to be friends with you or see you every month or know anything about you. Just they are on the list, have met you a few times and can verify the person applying is really you.

Thank you for your post, all these replys help, as it gives us other options to think about.

BHC was by phone, they told me to use a stat dec, however they are no longer valid in australia.

We have booked an appointment to see the Dr (under 12 months with him) & see what if anything he can do.

Thanks again

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Guest Gone Crazy
I am trying to return to live in my own Country perminantly.

I had an Australian Passport (Expired) which the British Consulate said I could send as Idenification, but Australia Post where you must lodge your British Passport applications refused it.

As my Australian Passport is also expired, I need this same 2 years known me, countersignitory to apply for that again now too.



I'm in Melbourne and have to get back for surgery. Went to consulate today and been issued emergency passport. All I needed was proof of travel, $152.00 and I'm looking forward to flying back Tuesday night. Wasn't aware of this as my passport is expired and didn't have time to renew it here.

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Guest LadyEmma
Alternatively can you send the photo to someone in England and get them to counter-sign it?

Thank you for your reply, but no, the person must be of a certain proffession & known us 2 years.

We have been in Oz 42 years now.

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Guest LadyEmma

It doesn't work that way, the counter signee, must know the person applying for the passport 2 years.

They also have to sign the passport application as well as the photo's.

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I cannot believe you know know no one for 2 year plus in some capacity who could sign for you. A family solicitor, Doctor, dentist, someone has to be out there. What about where you bank? The fact you've had an account with them for a lot of years, the manager should be able to sign.


I'd suggest you go back to the police and ask someone else (I said about this in my post above). We managed it for our sons passport here in the UK so I am sure you can work out someone to sign for you.


Good luck.

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Guest NeilEB
It doesn't work that way, the counter signee, must know the person applying for the passport 2 years.

They also have to sign the passport application as well as the photo's.


True, but I know my friend's parents (and my parent's friends) and would happily sign a photo saying it was a likeness of them.


They don't have to be your best friend.


I really think you are making this harder then you need to - after 42 years, there must be someone who can sign it.

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Guest LadyEmma

I do have a bank account, but I have never met the manager, I mainly use cash machines, or see different cashiers. Beleive me we have tried to find someone who has known us two years, that is someone listed from the list of possible people. The Doctors here work differently to UK, you can see any Doctor you like & the clinics often change Doctors, hence haven't seen the same one for 2 years. We tried a Justice of the peace & many others also. As said before we even contacted BHC.

I genuinely asked for suggestions that perhaps we had not thought of, we are certainly not making things harder for ourselves.

Thank you for your input.

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"Personally known for over two years" just means that they have to have first met you, in person, more than two years ago. They don't have to know anything about you, other than who you are.


So if you went to one of the grandchildren's school concerts two years ago and had any contact with one of the teachers, you could ask that teacher to sign, even if that concert was the only time you've ever met them before the time they sign the form. The passport office isn't going to personally track them down to check how many times you've seen each other.

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Guest LadyEmma

Yes thank you, I am aware of that, the fact still remains, that I have not met any proffessional people in the past two years.

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Guest NeilEB

Seriously? None of your children or grandchildren are friends with ANY professional people, who may have met you a couple of times?


Have you checked with the bank manager? I know in England, the bank keeps photos of you (for money laundering and ID purposes) when you open an account, so they should be able to compare, even if they haven't known you personally for over two years.


If none of that works, I can just suggest talking to the BHC again.....

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Guest LadyEmma

I have said several times over, NO, we know of no proffessional people who have known us 2 years, or even met us 2 years ago.

The banks here have no such system, & while a bank manager can co sign, we never get to see a bank manager only different tellers on duty, thats on rare occasions we go into a bank, as most banking is by cash machines.

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I recently got my friends neighbour, an old retired rev/minister so sign ours... he only met me that day but of course my friend knows them well & could also vouch for us. Not really the officially correct thing to do but .... !

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