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Study And application for immigration


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Hello everyone,


I'll be applying to au immigration this dec. As i am from a HR country so my application will tentatively take almost three years.


In doing so I am also planning to do masters from au next year(or in beginning of 2013). My plan is that when ill be getiing my PR or near PR, I must have some australian study experience.


I am confused if I pply for immigration then it will be difficult for me to get a study visa(thats what I ahve heard for people). Or if I get study visa my PR application wil get delayed.


is there anyone who have had an experience like this...I mean you apply for PR and then go for study while ur application is processed...Any problems with this plan?? Or is it just me confused with this....


Any clarification required regarding my post are welcomed...



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I don't know where you're getting the 3 years from as the published processing time standards are quoting 18 months with no distinction betweemn low and high risk. There's no way of knowing how accurate that estimate is but I guartantee it's more likely to be accurate than the 3 years you've heard.


I've also never heard anything about your assertion that a) it's difficult to get a Student visa if you have a permanent visa application in progress or b) that it will in any way slow your application. I bet that nobody else on PIO has heard of those things either.


Honestly, the amount of misinformation and downright BS that you can hear from 'people' is nothing short of staggering! Don't believe any more than about 2% of what you 'hear' from 'people'.


If you want information that's based on something more than gossip, consult a reliable and experienced RMA or at the very least, take the DIAC website's word over the gossip.

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