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Dilema....what to do?


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Hi all,


Having long been thinking of a new life in New Zealand; I have been looking out for jobs over the last few months and have realised that jobs in my speciality are very few and far between; and usually part time when they do come up!


The chances of getting a school nurse job in Australia seems better, especially in QLD so I am now deciding whether to go for Oz!


The wages are considerably higher than NZ....so I would be able to explore the country and Far East etc instead of being 'stranded' so to speak with little money in NZ.


I'm guessing I can always retire to NZ (have visited 2x before and love the place!)


BUT...do I leave a very well paid job in the UK with no debt (except a small mortgage luckily) and take a chance in a new country on my own. I'm single so would be coming alone; it's a big decision to make!


Unfortunateyl I don't have many close friends so that's why I'm needing thoughts via this forum!!



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