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money but no skill

Guest bazdawn

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Guest bazdawn

hello everyone just discovered this forum looks very informative, been browsing for a while but cannot find the answer to my question. my fiance and i are not skilled (sales & stores) we are both mid forties and have no known relatives in australia. we are financially sound due to an inheritance. what are the chances of emigrating to australia. one more thing weve been engaged 3 years do we need to be married before we apply for residency. thanks dawn

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Guest Missiemo

Can not answer yr first question, but I do no that if you are not married but are in a defacto relationship, you will have to prove that you have been in that relationship for the past three years for example utilty bills in joint names.

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Guest bethandneil


we are going as skilled (nurse and Fitter) but we were told that if are financially secure and can put 40 thousand pounds into an ozzy bank account, that can get you in, its still your money but i dont think you can touch it until you've been there 2-3 years, this could be complete, i think it is true, i would contact a migration expert or agency to ask them, they will give you an hours advise for free, try Overseas Emmigration we have found them to be very good.

Beth. 8)

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Guest lholmes

Hi Beth


Unfortunately the capital investment option of $100, 000 (£40,000) only applies to skilled applicants who need an additional 5 points to qualify.


Are you sure you don’t qualify for skilled migration? Perhaps your skill is listed under a different name but with the same tasks.


As I just advised on a previous post, check out the Australian Bureau of Statistics website to read the descriptions of each skill on the SOL (Skilled Occupations List).




Short of this, you and your partner might like to start contacting companies in Australia to see if you can be sponsored as an employee. There are also recruitment type companies who may look to find you work in exchange for a fee or agreed upon salary percentage.


The employer sponsored visa is only a 4 year temporary visa but without assessing your case further, it sounds as though this is your best option.


To be 100% sure, please complete a no obligation online eligibility assessment by visiting:




This will determine your points and eligibility for any particular skilled visa. Following this you could be in a position for a free consultation. The qualified migration consultant may find an alternative route to get you to Aus or perhaps even New Zealand as a secondary option?


With regards to proving your relationship, it’s actually only 12 months immediately before making an application to DIMIA (Department of Immigration).


Good luck!!

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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest JoandMatt

Hello, i am new to this forum! just been reading through some bits. My boyfriend is a qualified bricklayer, would we need to be married for me to get in? i am a company secretary for a small company. Or would we just need to prove that we have been together for 12 months with joint bills?

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Guest Missiemo

Hi joandmatt



I am not sure if it depends on what visa you want to go for, but I think you have to have been in a defacto relationship for three years which you have to prove, ie bills etc, just get married it has to be easier.



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Guest lholmes
Hello, i am new to this forum! just been reading through some bits. My boyfriend is a qualified bricklayer, would we need to be married for me to get in? i am a company secretary for a small company. Or would we just need to prove that we have been together for 12 months with joint bills?


Hi Jo and Matt


Proving 12 months living together will get you on your boyfriends visa application.



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Guest Stu1980

What happens when your temporary employee sponsored visa runs out? Can you apply for residencey as you will have been there for 4 years?

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