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Unclear on points for


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With the recent changes to the 175 visa process, I am now trying to figure out how many points I will get.


I have been getting some help on this over on this post, and currently it looks like I will either have to sit an English test or provide more proof on previous employment to get the points.


I have some confusion over the skills employment section.


First let me state my situation:


  • Have worked in a skill on SOL for around 5yrs* back in UK.
  • Have worked for 2yrs in same skill on the SOL, for 2yrs in Australia. Will be 3 in Feb 2012.



* Currently trying to get proof of this from previous employers. With some it being contractual, it might be tricky for me to get this proof, and might have to suffice with only 3yrs in UK.


So with this in mind, I am trying to understand how many points I could get from this section on the points test:




Its that bottom right Note that has me confused.

"...for any combination of Aus or overseas..."


There is more detail in the pdf:


Where applicable, applicants can claim points for both

Australian skilled employment and overseas skilled employment under the points test.


Now what does this mean?

I have worked overseas for 5yrs = +10pts


I have worked in Aus for 2 yrs = +5pts



Or should that AND be an OR, meaning a total of just 10pts?


I am not sure if its a combination of both, or if its one or the other.


Can anyone help clarify this? The more I read it, the more confused I get.

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if you have worked a total 5 years. 2 years could be in Australia and 3 years overseas, but the total remains the same.


you can claim points for work experience, and australian work experience

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You would get 10 points for the 5 years of overseas work experience PLUS either 5 or 10 points (depending on when you apply) for the Australian work experience as long as all of the work was within the last 10 years. All of the work experience must be in your nominated occupation or in a closely related occupation.

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Guest Wildred12

You must follow up personally the evaluation of your points. It's important that you know for yourself exactly what benefits you got from your long years of service.

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You would get 10 points for the 5 years of overseas work experience PLUS either 5 or 10 points (depending on when you apply) for the Australian work experience as long as all of the work was within the last 10 years. All of the work experience must be in your nominated occupation or in a closely related occupation.


= Thanks OzManiac. Thats excellent news to hear.

Should mean I can skip doing an English test then

- assuming I can backtrack with prior employees and get the HR departments to vouch I worked their, as I do not think I still have payslips/job contracts too far back.




You must follow up personally the evaluation of your points. It's important that you know for yourself exactly what benefits you got from your long years of service


What do you mean by this Wildred?

Follow up with who? IMMI? Do not understand where your coming from.

I just need to get the tick boxes all ticked for the 175, with all the relevant evidence, no?

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