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anyone going to Darwin?

Guest laura1106

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Guest laura1106



We are moving to Darwin in September on a 457 visa. would be great to chat to anyone who is there or planning to go. its getting so close now and im getting really nervous about everything im leaving behind!



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Guest The Ropey HOFF

I think .......... Janine the party queen ............. lives in Darwin, i am sure she will give you the info you need ............ if she doesn't see this thread because she is out living it up in the great weather ............. just pm her. Best of luck.

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  • 1 month later...
Guest can36


We are moving to Darwin in September on a 457 visa. would be great to chat to anyone who is there or planning to go. its getting so close now and im getting really nervous about everything im leaving behind!




hey Laura - myself and partner are also possibly going to darwin on a 457 - just currently trying to decide on location and finding it really hard (we're also on this forum as weesquaw). we due to go end aug to brissie and work 6-12 months on a tender (construction - 457 is for weesquaw who is a senior project engineer - construction.) - what do you guys do? we have 2 little boys 3+ and 20months....if we don't go to darwin then the other choice from the new company is sydney - but it's just not pulling us that idea...the weather in darwin is a concern as is the cost of renting until we get PR which then we will want to buy....would be good to get chatting!


Michelle & Andy

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Guest laura1106



Good to hear from you. We are due to go Darwin in 6 weeks. I am so looking forward to it. I think the weather will be a challenge but imsure i will get used it. I know rent is alot but i think the salary reflects that. I have a job as a nurse. I initially considered sydney but thesalary was not great and rent was still high. I really wanted to go a place that is not the norm. We are taking out 10 year old nephew with us and there are some very good schools around. It would be good to chat PM anytime




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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest can36

Hiya Laura - this is Michelle - using my other half's login!! Yes - let's get chatting! We're not due to go to Darwin until Jan probs - I'm a Senior Project Engineer (construction) - so the job isn't kicking off until then - however we are flying out to Brissie on 30th Aug and will be there for the first few months so i can work from Head Office..my partner will be looking after our 2 boys 3+ and 20 months...until we have them settled then he plans to get working too - he's also in construction...very excited about the whole thing - altho stressing about selling cars here and shipping etc. like you - opted eventually for darwin over city life in Sydney...

Janine - once I get a chance would defo like to quiz you!! Soooo chuffed now that reality is setting in and we feel like we're really going!! xx

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Guest laura1106

Hi Michelle I know I can't wait! 4 weeks to go now. Its nice to finally get chatting to people going to Darwin. I start new job on the 13th sep. Pm me and we can def get chatting

Speak soon


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Guest JamesP

i've been in Darwin for several weeks. Looking for work at the mo, but hoping to make the move permanent. Darwin very laid back and relaxed. All the amenities of City Life without the "argy-bargy" of a big city.

Locals very friendly, and lots to see and do, if you look hard enough



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Guest jamesw

We've been in Darwin since mid January and absolutely love it here, been through half a wet and a cyclone (well a baby cat 1 anyway) Darwin in dry season is absolutely fantastic with so much going on - its the festival for the next couple of weeks. Weather boring 30 - 32 and sunny everyday. We did have a shrt shower of rain on Plamerston a couple of weeks ago, such an unusual occurence it made the NT news.


Any questions I'll answer if I can.

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Hi Laura,


we too are also new to darwin on a 457 visa and arrived here 10 days ago although my husband came out before us for 12 weeks to sort out a house and get settled in his new job etc while i was back in liverpool packing our house up ready for shipping.


We have 2 kids one boy who is 7 and one girl who has just turned 4.


We had never been to Australia before now but lived in a few African countries including Tanzania where we spent the last 5 years. Fortunately the weather is virtually the same as darwin so we're pretty used to the climate


Really loving what we see at the moment but just sorting schools etc for kids amongst other things like banks, medicare, aussie driving licence etc which to be honest i've mostly done and it was relatively straight forward. More straight forward than the UK and people are genuinely helpfull.


Would love to chat some more and maybe meet up when you get here once you get organised etc.


Hope the next few weeks go well for you.


shell x

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