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To make a will before we go or not??


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This is maybe an odd question but can you take a will made in the UK with you to Australia? I really need to update mine, change the name of the executor and make allowance for my son who was not born last time I updated it. I am only 35 so hoping not to need a will for a very long time but it may be as long as 12 months before we move so wondering if I should stop delaying and just do it.........


Many Thanks

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Guest siamsusie

Hi Lara,


You make a very valid point!


Personally I always had a Will, basically to safeguard my children, so for the sake of 70 odd quid even though its for 12 months, I would say cover yourselves as a family.


We had Wills drawn up when we were full time residents in WA, and as Wills can be state specific we had another drawn up another in Tasmania.


Protecting your child, and your possessions with the least possible expense as far as Lawyers are concerned would be be my prime concern.


Susie x

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Guest Guest31881

I would make a new will once you arrive, then you will be sure it complies with Australian law, i believe there are subtle differences.

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I would consult a lawyer/solicitor who is familiar with ex-pat wills. Whichever country the will is drawn up in, you need to make sure that your assets/recipients in the other country still get dealt with according to your will.

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Guest SDJ&A

Also, make sure that someone else knows that you have made a will. Family members or friends. Keep a copy in an easy to find place. Maybe someone other than you might have to look for it one day.


A nice reminder this thread. It's one of those things that you can forget to update. Has been 7 years since we did ours. Must make time to bring it up to date.

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