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Statutory Declaration Help PLEASE!!

Guest shiny21

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Guest shiny21

I am hoping someone out there can offer me words of comfort or advice please. :cry:


We are applying for a 121 company sponsored visa however I need a statutory declaration from my ex husband regarding my eldest son who is 15.


My ex is not returning my calls and to date has not seen his son for over 12 month. I have left him a voice messgae explaining i need him to sign a couple of forms for our visa application however, I am not confident of hearing from him. I am not aware of where he lives but do know his moms address.


Can I take legal action which will allow our visa application to progress or am i stuck without his signature?


as you can imagine I am feeling sick to the stomach right now.


any help or words of wisdom would be greatly received.


thank you

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There is no simple and quick answer to your query.


The possible strategies depend on the jurisdiction in which the child lives and some other factors.


You would be well advised to consult a registered migration agent about the applicable Australian immigration law and a local solicitor about removing the child from the jurisdiction.

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Guest shiny21

thank you for that I will be contacting both my solicitor and migration agent first thing monday and hope we can sort things sooner rather than later.

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