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What should I do? wait or apply now?

Guest laraway

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Guest laraway

I have all my relevant paper work to send off to get my skills assessed. I hear the point system is changing on 1st july. I have a secondary D and T teaching degree, 2 years experience, English speaking and under 30. with the old point system i didnt have enough points.


can anyone tell me how this will affect my visa if I apply after the 1st july?


i know that to get your skills assessed with take about 8 weeks but i need to make such that i will qualify before spending wasted money.


anyone help me out with my problems


many thanks



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Have you checked out the proposed points system to see if you can get the required 65 points? It isn't set in concrete yet but there hasn't been any indication of possible changes in the several months since it was released.

http://www.immi.gov.au/skilled/general-skilled-migration/pdf/points-fact.pdf Proposed points test

http://www.immi.gov.au/skilled/general-skilled-migration/pdf/points-testfaq.pdf New points test FAQ


You won't be able to apply for a visa until after July 1 anyway so it probably makes a certain amount of sense to hold off on the skills assessment until you can be positive that the points test won't change but every delay puts a few hundred (or thousand) more applications in the queue ahead of you.


You'll need IELTS too before skills assessment (and probably also for the points test) and that's another expense but again, you need to consider how much longer it will take you to get a visa - there will be a large number of visa applications early in July from people who didn't qualify under the old test and have been dwelling on the rules to change.


If it looks like you should be able to pass the new test, I'd say you should do your IELTS now, then skills assessment so that you're ready to lodge a visa application ASAP after 1 July.

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