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what to take??


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im sure there are lots of posts regarding this but wondered if u can advise. we are coming to perth in january and will be renting out our home in ireland for first year at least... would you think id be better to let my house furnished and rent a furnished house in perth or ship all my furniture?? i have a 20mnth daughter so not sure what ill have to bring for her?? how did u decide what to take and what to leave?? didnt realise how stressful this is gonna be!!!!:arghh:

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If you'replanning on making this permanent, then I would say ship things. There are loads of extra regulations and more things for tenants to break/damage if you leave the house furnished. Also furnished rentals in australia are pretty expensive, and not something you'd want to be paying for more than the couple of months while you arrange a long term let and wait for the furniture to arrive.


Of course your other option would be to rent your house out furnished and buy new furniture over here, but then there's the question of who's going to deal with the furniture in the UK when you want to get rid of it...

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We had a similar situation. In the end, we rented the house unfurnished. As RockDr says, generally if you rent out your property furnished you will have to maintain/replace any items you leave. The agents we saw also advised that you tend to get tenants who are more likely to stay longer if they bring their own stuff. Other bits to consider if renting your property (might not be the same concerns for Ireland I guess!):

- Gas safety certificate

- House energy performance certificate (EPC)

- Consent from your mortgage lender

- Landlord insurance

- Council tax

- How you'll handle any periods where the property isn't tenanted

Deciding what to take was a struggle for us. We looked at how much things were going to cost to ship (if you get quotes from some movers, always haggle, and try to deduce a price per cubic foot). With the price per cubic foot in mind, we were able to weigh up each item in terms of monetary value, cost to replace in Oz, cost of shipping, sentimental value. Some stuff like a microwave where it's going to cost as much to ship it as to buy a brand new one here (with the right plug!) were easy to decide - it got donated to a friend. Other stuff that has little monetary, but great sentimental value, were harder. Many arguments were had. As part of preparations to move, we put a folder in each room that detailed the little jobs that needed doing and then we'd discuss what was in each room and decide what was going in which pile. My advice - do it slowly, calmly and room by room.

Some folk say "bring everything", others say "bring very little". Only you can really decide.

Hope the rest of your planning goes well - you'll be landing when it's nice and hot!

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Ship anything of value. If you've got argos value chipboard cupboards then probably not worth it, wardrobes aren't worth it as most places have built-ins.

But beds, good sofas, solid wood tables & chairs, good rugs, all your good bedding (esp duvets),are all worth shipping, anything good quality basically.

Go through your cupboards and get rid of anything that you haven't worn/used in the last year (smart wedding type clothes excepted, since you might not have attended a wedding this year). Same with kitchen ware, keep your good pans, ditch the stuff you very rarely use.


If your 20month old can grasp the concept of giving toys to other children who don't have any, then get her to help select which toys she wants to keep (with a volume limit of a box or two) and which can go to charity. If not, then slowly start removing the toys she's not played with for ages until you're down to a reasonable volume. Toy libraries are great for tiding you over the months while the toys are in transit.

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If you rent it out furnished you will be able to get more money that is for sure. We decided against taking loads of things with us as we thought they would look out of place in a house in Oz and that is true for the furniture. We also left our washing machine and dryer, which we regret now as they cost so much out here. We are glad that we did bring some things with us though as when they arrived it was so nice to open the boxes and look through all our stuff like clothes and small goods.


Things like baby stuff (clothes, cots changing tables) will not be much use to people renting your house out, so may be better bringing that with you. anything you do bring over will help set your new place up and cut down on the cost of moving into a new house. All you need to make sure is that you have the space for it when it turns up here.


Another thought is that if you leave quite a bit and then end up selling the house after a year, you may have to arrange to get shot of it.:cute:

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