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Does The Threat/Use Of Physical Violence Ever Solve A Problem?

Guest guest37336

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Guest guest37336

OK, contentious issue I know, and I would like to make it clear I am not a violent man, (I get someone else to do it for me,:biggrin:), BUT.


Honestly here folks, do you think the threat or use of physical harm EVER solve a problem or go anywhere near solving a problem.


I wholeheartedly agree that talking and communication are of paramount importance in any disagreement or argument, (I'm NOT speaking about domestic abuse here, that is a wholly different subject I hope). More at times that we may see something happening that we think we should step in, someone you know has been hurt (emotionally/physically), or you just lose the plot completely and go off on one.


There are many rules governing our behaviour, and many concerning the use of physical violence, that is the way it should be.


But is the use of physical violence EVER condoned or called for, do we just walk away from a fight we may see, do we walk away from a threat made against us or someone we care about, or do some of us believe that at times people have it coming,:mad::embarrassed:.


What are your thoughts, as I said, a very contentious issue and one that is bound to cause a 'debate' but would be good to hear your views.


Cheers Tony.

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Guest SunshineSmile
OK, contentious issue I know, and I would like to make it clear I am not a violent man, (I get someone else to do it for me,:biggrin:), BUT.


Honestly here folks, do you think the threat or use of physical harm EVER solve a problem or go anywhere near solving a problem.


I wholeheartedly agree that talking and communication are of paramount importance in any disagreement or argument, (I'm NOT speaking about domestic abuse here, that is a wholly different subject I hope). More at times that we may see something happening that we think we should step in, someone you know has been hurt (emotionally/physically), or you just lose the plot completely and go off on one.


There are many rules governing our behaviour, and many concerning the use of physical violence, that is the way it should be.


But is the use of physical violence EVER condoned or called for, do we just walk away from a fight we may see, do we walk away from a threat made against us or someone we care about, or do some of us believe that at times people have it coming,:mad::embarrassed:.


What are your thoughts, as I said, a very contentious issue and one that is bound to cause a 'debate' but would be good to hear your views.


Cheers Tony.


There are many ways to stand up for what you believe in and many ways to solve a problem..

"More than one way to skin a cat" or for the more romantic amongst us "50 ways to leave your lover" :wink:

IMO it all depends on the language the problem is in. By that I mean if you are dealing with a person or group of persons that deal with life and problems in a physical (perhaps violent) way, all the talk aint gonna cut it.

So, you fight fire with fire, and your all singing off the same hymn sheet, right?

Well, yes, for a while, then the pain of mutual destruction sets in.. loss of loved ones etc.

In steps the wise and visionary amongst us.. Martin Luther King, Ghandi, Dalai Lama to name but an historic few, and the long road of negotiation begins. One would hope.


But not for some... think Bin Laden and Gadaffi. Im afraid I believe there is only one way to deal with fanatics.


But if your talking a Saturday night arguement after a few bevvies? Nah.. go home and sleep it off, fists aint the answer :nah:


Just my tuppence worth :wink:

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Guest guest37336
There are many ways to stand up for what you believe in and many ways to solve a problem..

"More than one way to skin a cat" or for the more romantic amongst us "50 ways to leave your lover" :wink:

IMO it all depends on the language the problem is in. By that I mean if you are dealing with a person or group of persons that deal with life and problems in a physical (perhaps violent) way, all the talk aint gonna cut it.

So, you fight fire with fire, and your all singing off the same hymn sheet, right?

Well, yes, for a while, then the pain of mutual destruction sets in.. loss of loved ones etc.

In steps the wise and visionary amongst us.. Martin Luther King, Ghandi, Dalai Lama to name but an historic few, and the long road of negotiation begins. One would hope.


But not for some... think Bin Laden and Gadaffi. Im afraid I believe there is only one way to deal with fanatics.


But if your talking a Saturday night arguement after a few bevvies? Nah.. go home and sleep it off, fists aint the answer :nah:


Just my tuppence worth :wink:


Excellent points Sunshine, really well thought out and reasoned.:yes:


Cheers Tony.:wink:

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Guest SunshineSmile
Excellent points Sunshine, really well thought out and reasoned.:yes:


Cheers Tony.:wink:


Thanks Tony,


Only just starting back posting on PIO after expressing my thoughts quite a while back and got slaughtered :embarrassed:

Im a bit of a "thinker" and often spend too much time thinking and not enough "doing", so I do like to put pen to paper on my thoughts and views on life.

Really liked your post about starting a website... :GEEK: That would be good for me, I could think out loud on-line :rolleyes: me likes that idea!

Have always read your posts with much interest Tony:hug:


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Guest The Ropey HOFF

When i started in the prison service in the late 1980's the prison was run on violence, it was a brutal regime and unfortunately it worked, i don't condone it and didn't join in with the beasting of prisoners who were beaten close to death at times, but there was a lot less trouble in those days and there was 45,000 in prison in the uk then and now it is nearly double that. Who knows?

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