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Beginning the Process

Guest McOz

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Guest McOz

Hi there, Im a new poster on this site and Im looking for some tips. My missus and I have decided to begin the process of moving to Oz. The missus brother moved out to WA 18 mths ago and i spent a year in OZ in my early 20's and would really like to move for good.


In terms of starting the process what's the best advice anyone can give, i.e should i contact agents for advice first of all or have a go at the form filling myself.


Also, Ive checked the SOL and my occupation isnt on the list, therefore am i wasting mt time? There is one skill as a Constructuon Project Manager which Ive done part of in my most recent degree in Facilities Management and also as part of my work. Do you think means I could apply under this skill?


Any advice gratefully recieved and well done everyone on the great site, it seems a real help.

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Hi there, Im a new poster on this site and Im looking for some tips. My missus and I have decided to begin the process of moving to Oz. The missus brother moved out to WA 18 mths ago and i spent a year in OZ in my early 20's and would really like to move for good.


In terms of starting the process what's the best advice anyone can give, i.e should i contact agents for advice first of all or have a go at the form filling myself.


Also, Ive checked the SOL and my occupation isnt on the list, therefore am i wasting mt time? There is one skill as a Constructuon Project Manager which Ive done part of in my most recent degree in Facilities Management and also as part of my work. Do you think means I could apply under this skill?


Any advice gratefully recieved and well done everyone on the great site, it seems a real help.


Well there is certainly no point in starting to fill out any forms until you have determined what occupation you are going to apply under.


What is your current full time occupation? Only the current occupaiton is relevant here, something you did ten years ago or studied once is not going to do. You need to check the SOL schedules 3 and 4 for your occupation. If it is on 3 you could apply for a 175 visa if it is only on sch 4 you would need state sponsorship and then you could apply for a 176 visa. That is assuming you have passed skills assessment and have enough points.


So to summarise: pin down an occupation, check you can pass skills assessment, check you have enough points, check for state sponsorship if required.

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Guest Pixie10

Hi McOz, just to let you know agents such as True blue migration and GoMatilda offer free consultations- just email them your details and they will see if there is a route to a visa for you- just incase you miss something doing it yourself!


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